
You can now use Wagtail Draftail editor on non-admin pages

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Non-admin Draftail

Wagtail has an excellent WYSIWYG editor called Draftail. Unfortunately, the editor can only be used on admin pages. But what if you want to use it on non-admin pages, like Django form view pages?

This is where Non-admin Draftail comes to the rescue! The package provides all the necessary magic to set Draftail free from Wagtail admin and make it usable with a regular Django form that doesn't belong to the CMS admin interface. The only requirement is, of course, to have Wagtail installed.


  1. Install the package from PyPI: pip install wagtail_non_admin_draftail

  2. Add wagtail_non_admin_draftail to INSTALLED_APPS:

  3. Add the following line to the main urls.py of the project:

    path("non-admin-draftail/", include("wagtail_non_admin_draftail.urls", namespace="wagtail_non_admin_draftail")),
  4. Include "wagtail_non_admin_draftail/draftail_media.html" in the <head> of every page that will have the editor. There are many ways to do this. Here's one way to accomplish it:

    a. Add the {% block wagtail_non_admin_draftail_head %} block to the <head> of your base.html file:

    {% load wagtail_non_admin_draftail_tags %}
    <!DOCTYPE html>
     {% block wagtail_non_admin_draftail_head %}{% endblock wagtail_non_admin_draftail_head %}

    b. Then add wagtail_non_admin_draftail/draftail_media.html to the wagtail_non_admin_draftail_head block on every page that uses the editor.

    For example, if you have a page template called post_edit.html that renders a form with the editor, you need to add the following block to that template:

    {% block wagtail_non_admin_draftail_head %}
      {% include "wagtail_non_admin_draftail/draftail_media.html" %}
      {{ form.media }} # add this line if your template doesn't use "{{ form }}" but fields by themselves
    {% endblock wagtail_non_admin_draftail_head %}

    That's it! The Draftail editor should now have all the JS/CSS required to boot up on the page.


By default, all images and documents uploaded via Non-admin Draftail are saved in Wagtail's Images/Documents library in the "Public uploads" collection. You can customize the name of the collection by defining a WAGTAIL_NON_ADMIN_DRAFTAIL_PUBLIC_COLLECTION_NAME variable in your main Django settings.py file:



Assuming the following:

  1. You have a model that has a Wagtail RichTextField:

    from django.db import models
    from wagtail.fields import RichTextField
    class JobPost(models.Model):
      title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
      body = RichTextField()
  2. Ensure that job_post_form.html (or whatever template is responsible for rendering the Job post edit form) includes draftail_media.html in the <head> of the page (See step 4 of the Installation instructions above).

  3. Now, when you visit a page with a JobPostForm form, you should see the body field with Draftail editor enabled.


How to run the example project locally

To contribute, you'd probably want to run the local project. Here's how to do it:

  1. This project uses Poetry for packaging and dependency management (if you have Poetry installed, skip this step):

    pip install poetry
  2. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/timonweb/wagtail-non-admin-draftail.git
  3. Change into the cloned directory:

    cd wagtail-non-admin-draftail
  4. Install dependencies with Poetry:

    poetry install
  5. Run the project with Poetry:

    poetry run python manage.py runserver
  6. Open your browser and go to the test form page:

How to run the test suite

Assuming you have completed steps 1 - 4 above, you can run the pytest test suite with the following command:

poetry run pytest

If tests fail and the installation is fresh, make sure that Playwright (the end-to-end test library we use) is installed. Run the following command to install it:

poetry run python -m playwright install

Created by

Tim Kamanin - A Full Stack Python / JavaScript Developer