
MIT License



Telegram Bot API with Tornado.

Implemented Functions

  • Getting Updates
    • Update
    • getUpdates
    • setWebhook
    • deleteWebhook
    • getWebhookInfo
    • WebhookInfo
  • Available Types
    • User
    • Chat
    • Message
    • MessageEntity
    • PhotoSize
    • Audio
    • Document
    • Video
    • Voice
    • VideoNote
    • Contact
    • Location
    • Venue
    • UserProfilePhotos
    • ReplyKeyboardMarkup
    • KeyboardButton
    • ReplyKeyboardRemove
    • InlineKeyboardMarkup
    • InlineKeyboardButton
    • CallbackQuery
    • ForceReply
    • ChatPhoto
    • ChatMember
    • ResponseParameters
    • InputFile
  • Available Methods
    • getMe
    • sendMessage
    • forwardMessage
    • sendPhoto
    • sendAudio
    • sendDocument
    • sendVideo
    • sendVoice
    • sendVoiceNote
    • sendLocation
    • sendVenue
    • sendContact
    • sendChatAction
    • getUserProfilePhotos
    • getFile
    • kickChatMember
    • unbanChatMember
    • restrictChatMember
    • promoteChatMember
    • exportChatInviteLink
    • setChatPhoto
    • deleteChatPhoto
    • setChatTitle
    • setChatDescription
    • pinChatMessage
    • unpinChatMessage
    • leaveChat
    • getChat
    • getChatAdministrators
    • getChatMembersCount
    • getChatMember
    • answerCallbackQuery
  • Updating Messages
    • editMessageText
    • editMessageCaption
    • editMessageReplyMarkup
    • deleteMessage
  • Stickers
    • Sticker
    • StickerSet
    • MaskPosition
    • sendSticker
    • getStickerSet
    • uploadStickerSet
    • createNewStickerSet
    • addStickerToSet
    • setStickerPositionInSet
    • deleteStickerFromSet
  • Inline Mode
    • InlineQuery
    • answerInlineQuery
    • InlineQueryResult
    • InlineQueryResultArticle
    • InlineQueryResultPhoto
    • InlineQueryResultGif
    • InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
    • InlineQueryResultVideo
    • InlineQueryResultAudio
    • InlineQueryResultVoice
    • InlineQueryResultDocument
    • InlineQueryResultLocation
    • InlineQueryResultVenue
    • InlineQueryResultContact
    • InlineQueryResultGame
    • InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
    • InlineQueryResultCachedGif
    • InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
    • InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
    • InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
    • InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
    • InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
    • InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
    • InputMessageContent
    • InputTextMessageContent
    • InputLocationMessageContent
    • InputVenueMessageContent
    • InputContactMessageContent
    • ChosenInlineResult
  • Payments
    • sendInvoice
    • answerShippingQuery
    • answerPreCheckoutQuery
    • LabeledPrice
    • Invoice
    • ShippingAddress
    • OrderInfo
    • ShippingOption
    • SuccessfulPayment
    • ShippingQuery
    • PreCheckoutQuery
  • Games
    • sendGame
    • Game
    • Animation
    • CallbackGame
    • setGameScore
    • getGameHighScores
    • GameHighScore

High Level API Example

BotAgent is a high level undead, you can demand it to send requests:

.. code:: python

from tornado import gen, ioloop
from wcpan.telegram import api, types

async def main():
    API_TOKEN = 'your_token'
    lich = api.BotAgent(API_TOKEN)
    talk_to = 42

    # getMe
    user = await lich.get_me()

    # getUpdates
    updates = await lich.get_updates()

    # sendMessage
    message = await lich.send_message(talk_to, 'hello')

    # sendPhoto
    photo = types.InputFile('path_to_your_phoho.png')
    message = await lich.send_photo(talk_to, photo)

    # sendAudio
    audio = types.InputFile('path_to_your_audio.ogg')
    message = await lich.send_audio(talk_to, audio)

    # sendVideo
    video = types.InputFile('path_to_your_video.mp4')
    message = await lich.send_video(talk_to, video)

    # sendDocument
    document = types.InputFile('path_to_your_file.zip')
    message = await lich.send_document(talk_to, document)

main_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

And let it handles updates:

.. code:: python

from tornado import gen, ioloop
from wcpan.telegram import api

class KelThuzad(api.BotAgent):

    def __init__(self, api_token):
        super(KelThuzad, self).__init__(api_token)

    async def on_text(self, message):
        id_ = message.message_id
        chat = message.chat
        text = message.text
        # echo same text
        await self.send_message(chat.id_, text, reply_to_message_id=id_)

    async def on_video(self, message):
        chat = message.chat
        video = message.video
        # echo video without upload again
        await self.send_video(chat.id_, video.file_id, reply_to_message_id=id_)

async def forever():
    API_TOKEN = 'your_token'
    lich = api.KelThuzad(API_TOKEN)
    await lich.poll()

main_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

Or handles updates by webhook:

.. code:: python

from tornado import gen, ioloop, web
from wcpan.telegram import api

class HookHandler(api.BotHookHandler):

    async def on_text(self, message):
        lich = self.application.settings['lich']
        id_ = message.message_id
        chat = message.chat
        text = message.text
        # echo same text
        await lich.send_message(chat.id_, text, reply_to_message_id=id_)

async def create_lich():
    API_TOKEN = 'your_token'
    lich = api.BotAgent(API_TOKEN)
    await lich.listen('https://your.host/hook')
    return lich

main_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

lich = main_loop.run_sync(create_lich)
application = web.Application([
    (r"/hook", HookHandler),
], lich=lich)
# please configure your own SSL proxy


Low Level API Example

BotClient is also there, which provides simple and direct API mapping:

.. code:: python

from tornado import gen, ioloop
from wcpan.telegram import api, types

async def main():
    API_TOKEN = 'your_token'
    ghoul = api.BotClient(API_TOKEN)
    talk_to = 42

    # getMe
    user = await ghoul.get_me()

    # getUpdates
    offset = 0
    updates = []
    while True:
        us = await ghoul.get_updates(offset)
        if not us:
        offset = us[-1].update_id + 1

    # sendMessage
    message = await ghoul.send_message(talk_to, 'hello')

    # sendDocument
    document = types.InputFile('path_to_your_file.zip')
    message = await lich.send_document(talk_to, document)

main_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()