
Weather station based on Raspberry Pi (for indoor use with touchscreen)

AGPL-3.0 License


Weather and Air Quality Device - based on Raspberry Pi

Quick Overview

The goal of this project is to create a weather station for indoor use with the use of commonly used sensors and a touch display.

It also focuses on an easy system setup and assembly with a suited case.

The project will be written with the usage of Qt in Python.


  • Info pane witch clock and date
  • Interior with sensor display
  • Exterior with online or remote sensor temperature
  • 3 day forecast

  • Options for
    • display settings
    • scaling
    • language
    • online weather settings

Supported parts

Raspberry Pi

  • theoretically all versions, but a model 2 was never tested
  • model 1 runs also, but is very slow


SmartiPi Touch 2

  • recommended because of cable management and supports all RPi Versions up to RPi4.

Sensor holding case:

There is a 3D-printable sensor case for holding up to 4 sensors, which is optimized in size to the recommended sensors, see Adapter, Base and Lid in src/assets. It also has slits for air and hole for inserting cables. You will need 4 M3x30 screws, and they will fit exactly on the back of the SmartiPi Touch 2 case.


  • Raspberry Pi original 7" capacitive Touchscreen
  • Waveshare 5" resistive touch display



  • BME280 - Temperature/Humidity/Pressure
    • very stable and has all the needed sensors
  • BMP280 - Temperature/Pressure
    • same as the BME but without humidity
  • DHT22 - Temperature/Humidity
    • instable driver because of pulse based connection

Air quality

  • MH-Z19 - CO2
    • NDIR based CO2 sensor - pricy, but the gets very good results!
  • CCS811 - TVOC/CO2
    • measures TVOC (total volatile organic components) and only calculates an equivalent CO2 - very inaccurate readings

Motion sensor:

  • PIR501 - standard part, cheap and gets the job done


  • Passive Speaker - Sound is currently only a gimmick

Development - First Steps

A Python installation of min. 3.7 is needed. For an easy to use integration, it is suggested to set the Python installation on the system path. This project is is set up to be used with Microsoft VsCode as an IDE. To set a minimal working environment, the following steps are necessary:

  • In VsCode use the File -> Open Workspace function to open the ./.vscode/waqd.code-workspace
  • To install the recommended extensions, go left to the Extensions view and type @recommended and install the workspace recommendations
  • restart VsCode and open the Workspace again

There are two launch configurations: local start for windows and attach to remote debugger for the Raspberry Pi. The tasks are created to deploy the source files on the Raspberry.

To use Text-To-Speech in Windows, VLC needs to be on the PATH. To edit and compile the GUI get a maximum Qt 5.11 editor (e.g., otherwise it breaks the format. It is practical to set it onto the path. PyQt5-tools could also work, but only from 5.12 onwards in the future.

Use virtualenv:

python3 -m venv python

Performance Profiling

python -m palanteer -c -m waqd

Included 3rd-Party Assets

Used software

  • For all natively installed Python libs see
  • pipx from PyPi MIT License
  • Python packages installed via system package manager
    • PyQt5 (including python3-pyqt5.qtsvg python3-pyqt5.qtchart) by Riverbank Computing Limited, GPLv3
    • python3-libgpiod
    • python3-venv
  • wifi-connect under Apache 2.0 from

Needed Operating System and builtin dependencies

  • Raspberry Pi OS - 64 bit (Bullseye) - 32 bit no longer supported
    • APT
    • LightDM desktop manager
    • XFCE desktop environment with pcmanfm
    • Plymouth for boot screen customization
    • raspi-config
    • Python 3.9
    • Installed official apt packages
      • feh
      • zenity
      • xdotool
      • wmctrl
      • xscreensaver
      • unattended-upgrades


Copyright (c) 2022 Pter Gosztolya and contributors.