
Pythonic card scheduler for Wekan

MIT License


Wekan Scheduler

Pythonic card scheduler for Wekan.


The purpose of wekan-scheduler is to create cards regulary for repeating tasks. It uses pycron for schedule configuration and uses the wekan-python-api-client to access the Wekan REST API.


  • create cards by a cron-like schedule
  • suppress card creation based on iCal calendar files (i.e. on holidays)
  • configurable card properties:
    • title
    • description
    • color
    • labels
    • members
    • received, start, due, end times (with dynamic calculation)
    • checklists


You should create a dedicated user in Wekan to be used to access the Wekan REST API in the PASSWORD auth backend (LDAP seems not to work). Add the user to the boards where it should create cards.

There are three configuration files required in the settings directory:

  • __init__.py
    should left empty, required to make the config a python package
  • config.py
    contains the base configuration to access the Wekan REST API:
    CONFIG = {
      # URL for Wekan
      'api_url': "https://localhost/kanban",
      # REST API auth headers
      'api_auth': {"username": "api", "password": "xxxxxxxx"},
      # Verify X.509 certificate for api_url?
      'api_verify': True,
      # Sleep for N seconds between schedules (should be at least 60s)
      'sleep': 300,
  • schedules.py
    contains your custom schedules:
    from datetime import datetime as dt
    from datetime import timedelta as td
    import pytz
      # daily work card
          # cron-like schedule (pycron)
          'schedule': '0 8 * * 1-5',
          # do *not* create a card if a calendar event is found
          # in a iCal file in the ics/ subdirectory
          # to enable this feature the value needs to be a dict,
          # if filename or event filters are unset they match
          # for any calendar event
          # fn: check .ics filename (regex)
          # event: check EVENT name (regex)
          # This will suppress card creation by calendar events
          # with an name containing the word 'Holiday' found in
          # any iCal file:
          # 'ics': {
          #    'event': 'Holiday',
          # },
          # target board and list
          'board': '<board-id>',
          'list': '<list-id>',
          # required fields
          'card': {
              'title': 'check for donuts',
          # more card details
          # https://wekan.github.io/api/v3.00/#put_board_list_card
          'details': {
              'description': 'first-come, first-served',
              'color': 'pink',
              'labelIds': ['<label-id>'],
              # set due time at 17 o'clock tomorrow
              #'dueAt': lambda: (dt.now() + td(days=1)).replace(hour=17, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).astimezone(pytz.utc).isoformat(),
              'members': ['<user-id>'],
          # add checklists and checklist items
          # (requires Wekan 3.46+)
          'checklists': {
            'Steps': ['buy', 'eat'],
    If the value of a details dictonary item is a callable it is used to build
    the actual value of the item. This could be used to build dynamic start, due
    or end times.

There is a get-ids.py helper script to dump the various IDs of your Wekan instance. This helps to find the required IDs for your schedules:

{'boards': {'4b5BmHE2CL8wt8brR': {'labels': {'2kRvzr': 'gray[crumbly]',
                                             'jdiYNd': 'plum[goo]',
                                             'xhAdgq': 'lime[tasty]'},
                                  'lists': {'zzujS93kd8982k30y': 'Backlog',
                                            'loxc9Dll,masd300a': 'Eating',
                                            'qosLk34SDKsmsksd3': 'Done',
                                            'lasd93lkdaskSAKsl': 'Problem'},
                                  'title:': 'Donut Fighters'}},
 'users': [{'_id': 'Ksd34pKsW23wFg9Sx', 'username': 'admin'},
           {'_id': 'lS9lkasd3mAusdkSK', 'username': 'api'}]}


The recommended way to run wekan-scheduler is to use the provided auto-build docker images from Docker Hub. Run it with docker-compose:

version: '3'

    image: liske/wekan-scheduler:0.7
    restart: always
      - ./settings:/app/wekan-scheduler/settings:ro
      - ./ics:/app/wekan-scheduler/ics:ro

If you are running Wekan on Docker you may add wekan-scheduler to your existing docker-compose.yml:

  # ...
    image: liske/wekan-scheduler:0.7
    restart: always
      - ./scheduler/settings:/app/wekan-scheduler/settings:ro
      - ./scheduler/ics:/app/wekan-scheduler/ics:ro
    - wekan
  # ...

Remember to use the docker's service internal name (i.e. 'api_url': 'http://wekan-app') in config.py to access wekan if deployed by the same compose file.