Real-time XSS Detection Suite!



  1. Python (3.x)
  2. PIP for Python3
  3. GeckoDriver [Download Here]
  4. Required Modules: selenium, argparse

    Install from requirements.txt

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Manual Installation

    pip3 install selenium argparse

Mozilla Firefox and GeckoDriver are required to be installed for using WHOISxss since everything is performed in real-time, just in front of you, and a version of ChromeDriver isn't available as of now.


  1. Download/clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/TheBinitGhimire/WHOISxss

  2. Switch to the WHOISxss directory!

    cd WHOISxss


There are two ways to make use of WHOISxss;

  1. Single URL
  2. Multiple URLs

Using WHOISxss for Single URL:

python3 main.py -u URL For example: python3 main.py -u https://xss-quiz.int21h.jp/

Using WHOISxss for Multiple URLs:

Create a text file with any name, with a list of URLs, separated by new lines. python3 main.py -f FILENAME For example: python3 main.py -f list.txt


Feature Requests

If you are interested in contributing in the development of WHOISxss, you can feel free to create a Pull Request with modifications in the original code, or you shall open up a new issue, and I will try to include the feature as requested.

There is no restriction on anyone for contributing to the development of WHOISxss. If you would like to contribute, you can feel free to do so.

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