
Sample project with Redis and Dash

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Visualizing Wikipedia updates stream with Redis

Wikipedia provides a real-time SSE feed for updates for all wikimedia projects.

Documentation about event streams from Wikipedia:

Event stream source is available at

The easiest way to visualize it:


Running Redis server

To run these examples you need to run a Redis server.

docker-compose up

Installing dependencies

Dependencies installed with pipenv.

pipenv install

Redis pub-sub from SSE

The file shows how to publish messages to the channel. The script reads messages from SSE and publishes them to the channel "wiki".

Run the script:

pipenv run ./

It immediately starts publishing events to the channel. You can visualize them with a simple Redis client

redis-cli subscribe wiki

Type Ctrl+C to quit.

Time-series events with Redis

There is a script which consumes the events from the pub-sub channel and saves them to a time-series events.

Resulting data structure has following properties:

  • Events aggregated by domain name.
  • Hardcoded value expiration_timeout_sec defines how long events are
    stored in Redis
  • Another hardcoded value aggregation_interval_sec defines the event
    aggregation interval (in seconds).

Run the script:

pipenv run ./

As a result of the script work, a number of keys will be created in Redis:

$ redis-cli> keys *
7306) ""
7307) ""
7308) ""

Each key contains a integer value: the number of events for the specific domain name, happening within aggregation_interval_sec after the time moment, encoded as the timestamp in the key.

Visualizing time-series events with Dash

Dash is an open source web framework to build interactive data-driven applications, primarily data visualizations and dashboards.

File contains a sample application which lets you pick one or more domain names to get te update statistics for it.

Run the script

pipenv run ./

As a result, you should see:

More information