
My windawesome confguration trying to clone my i3 configuration.



My windawesome configurations which try to capture the goodness of i3 WM.

About Windawesome

Windawesome is a tiling windows manager for Windows. To install it, don't forget to also download the Required DLL v3 package available in the download section of the site.

About these configurations

These configurations try to replicate my i3 configuration for UI and shortcuts. The color theme is inspired by the Solarized Dark theme.

Detailed configuration of the whole Windows box

  • Windawesomewindawesome of course ;-)
  • Find and Run Robot for the application launcher (replace dmenu on the linux box).
  • Cygwin using mintty along with zsh (oh-my-zsh config) and ranger.
  • Proto as an alternative to ranger and explorer.




PS: Yes this is a Windows box and yes Vim and Emacs are on the same workspace :-)