
Predicting different market prices using Deep Learning and Recurrent Neural Networks

MIT License


Price Prediction using Deep Learning


This repository uses recurrent neural networks to predict the price of any stock, currency or cryptocurrency ( any market that yahoo_fin library supports ) using keras library.

Getting Started

to use this repository, install required packages

  1. Python 3.6
  2. keras==2.2.4
  3. sklearn==0.20.2
  4. numpy==1.16.2
  5. pandas==0.23.4
  6. matplotlib==2.2.3
  7. yahoo_fin

using the following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Dataset is downloaded automatically using yahoo_fin package and stored in data folder. click here for more information about different tickers.


from keras.layers import GRU, LSTM, CuDNNLSTM
from price_prediction import PricePrediction

ticker = "BTC-USD"

# init class, choose as much parameters as you want, check its docstring
p = PricePrediction("BTC-USD", epochs=1000, cell=LSTM, n_layers=3, units=256, loss="mae", optimizer="adam")

# train the model if not trained yet
# predict the next price for BTC
print(f"The next predicted price for {ticker} is {p.predict()}$")
# decision to make ( sell/buy )
buy_sell = p.predict(classify=True)
print(f"you should {'sell' if buy_sell == 0 else 'buy'}.")
# print some metrics
print("Mean Absolute Error:", p.get_MAE())
print("Mean Squared Error:", p.get_MSE())
print(f"Accuracy: {p.get_accuracy()*100:.3f}%")
# plot actual prices vs predicted prices


The next predicted price for BTC-USD is 8011.0634765625$
you should buy.
Mean Absolute Error: 145.36850360261292
Mean Squared Error: 40611.868264624296
Accuracy: 63.655%

Training logs are stored in logs folder that can be opened using tensorboard, as well as model weights in results folder.

Next Steps

  • Fine tune model parameters ( n_layers, RNN cell, number of units, etc.)
  • Tune training parameters ( batch_size, optimizer, etc. )
  • Try out different markets such as NFLX (Netflix), AAPL (Apple) by setting the ticker parameter
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