

Backend/DevOps Engineer @ xbird challenge

Below is how to run my solution, along with the answers to various questions.

To run:

From the root dir....


To build the docker app image:



To start the containers:



To migrate the database


Send data:

You might want to create a virtual env. Make sure that the requirements in the requirements.txt and installed e.g.

pip install -r app/requirements.txt

To start sending data


To see the data in the db:

Visit http://localhost:8088/?pgsql=db&username=xbird&db=xbird&ns=public


Explain your database choice:

I chose a relational sql database. While nosql databases can be useful in certain situations, relational databases have been depended on and optimized for decades. The ability to define a schema, and change that schema over time, means you can reliably maintain data consistency. The data that is defined in the protobuf format is easy to map into a relational schema.

I chose postgres because it is opensource and has a huge active community. It has great features such as json columns which allow for schemaless data if needed. (I am also familiar with it!)

How would you modify the system if the number of samples becomes really big?:

I would batch the samples and process them asynchronously using jobs and workers (e.g. celery)

How would you monitor the running services:

I would use logging aggregator such as prometheus or papertrail. I would also have alerts set up do monitor things such as db cpu usage, etc.

Things I would have like to have done:

As I have not used python in a long time, I found this more time consuming than it should have been. It took me a while to set up database migrations, etc. Most of the tools I had to use were not familiar to me. Thus I did not have the time to do many things I would have liked too e.g.

  • Add various database indexes.
  • Handle errors.
  • Tests! (I usually use extensive testing, but haven't used a python test framework in over 2 years.)
  • Kubernetes (Docker compose is a simple easy alternative - but not scalable.)
  • Location type samples.
  • etc.