
⚙️ Generate an XSPF playlist file for audio and video files using Python


[!WARNING] This project is unmaintained.


Media files -> .xspf playlists

Generate an XSPF playlist file for audio and video files using Python 2. Use it on the command line once or as a dead-simple way to keep a playlist on the internet up to date.

A PHP implementation of the XSPF Playlist Generator ported here: https://github.com/lacymorrow/xspf-playlister-php

Created for: lacymorrow/xspf-jukebox.


python playlister.py /absolute/path/to/media/ > playlist.xspf

Place all of your media files into a folder called media. Copy playlister.py and the hsaudiotag directory to the same location as the media directory. Run playlister.py to generate and print your XSPF file. That's it!

Supports mp3, wav, and ogg audio and mp4, webm, and ogv video formats. If two files of different types share a filename, they will be interpreted as two sources for the same track. Tracks will be titled by their filename sans extension. Additional creator and album information can be provided by organizing your files into a media/creator/album/file hierarchy. An image may be associated with a track by giving it the same filename. To associate one image with an entire folder of tracks, give it the filename artwork. artwork images associate themselves to every sibling and child directory and may be placed anywhere in your media directory hierarchy, so an artwork.jpg in the media directory will act as a global image, filling in for every track that did not already have one provided.

By default, the hsaudiotag library is used to scan mp3 files and will automatically use the meta information associated with a track, rather than the menu directory hierarchy.

File Types

Supports mp3, wav, and ogg audio and mp4, webm, and ogv video formats.

If two video files of different types share a filename, they will be interpreted as two sources for the same track.

Tracks will be titled by their filename without a file extension. Additional creator and album information can be provided by organizing your files into a media/creator/album/file hierarchy.

An image may be associated with a track by giving it the same filename. To associate one image with an entire folder of tracks, give it the filename artwork. artwork images associate themselves to every sibling and child directory and may be placed anywhere in your media directory hierarchy, so an artwork.jpg in the media directory will act as a global image, filling in for every track that did not already have one provided.


MIT © Lacy Morrow