
YAECS (Yet Another Experiment Config System): Config System which allows easy manipulation of config files for safe, clear and repeatable experiments.

LGPL-3.0 License


YAECS (Yet Another Experiment Config System)

Documentation: here

This package is a Config System which allows easy manipulation of config files for safe, clear and repeatable experiments. In a few words, it is:

  • built for Machine Learning with its constraints in mind, but also usable out-of-the-box for other kinds of projects ;
  • built with scalability in mind and can adapt just as easily to large projects investigating hundreds of well-organised
    parameters across many experiments ;
  • designed to encourage good coding practices for research purposes, and if used rigorously will ensure a number of
    highly desirable properties such that maintenance-less forward-compatibility of old configs, easy
    of any experiment, and extreme clarity of former experiments for your future self or



The package can be installed from pipy:

pip install yaecs

Getting started

Getting started with using YAECS requires a single thing : creating a Configuration object containing your parameters. There are many ways to create this config object, but let us focus on the easiest one.

from yaecs import make_config

dictionary = {
    "batch_size": 32,
    "experiment_name": "overfit",
    "learning_rate": 0.001
config = make_config(dictionary)

And there you go, you have a config. You can query it using usual dictionary or object attribute getters such as :

print(config.batch_size)  # 32
print(config["experiment_name"])  # overfit
print(config.get("learning_rate", None))  # 0.001

At this point you might think that this is nothing more than a more fancy dictionary... and you'd be right, that's actually a very good way to think about your config. In fact, because it mostly behaves like a dictionary, it is much easier to integrate into existing code or libraries which expect dictionaries.

Of course, in many situations, it is much more than a simple dictionary, as we demonstrate thoughout our documentation. In this first introduction, we will cover two more things : loading a config from a yaml file, and some basic command line interaction. If you want more, we encourage you to keep reading our other tutorials in which we give practical tips and best practices for the management of your config over the course of a project.

The main purpose of using a config system is to manage your parameters more easily by getting them out of your code. So let's do just that :)

We will create a file called config.yaml in the root of our project, next to our main.py :

batch_size: 32
experiment_name: overfit
learning_rate: 0.001

Then, in your main.py, all you need to do is use the path to the file instead of the dictionary :

from yaecs import make_config

config = make_config("config.yaml")

print(config.get("learning_rate", None))

Now, if you run your script, you should see the same prints as before.

$ python main.py
[CONFIG] Building config from default : config

One way the YAECS config system provides to manage parameters is to edit them from the command line, which is performed automatically when you create your config. See for yourself :

$ python main.py --batch_size 16
[CONFIG] Building config from default : config
[CONFIG] Merging from command line : {'batch_size': 16}
$ python main.py --experiment_name=production --batch_size=16
[CONFIG] Building config from default : config
[CONFIG] Merging from command line : {'experiment_name': 'production', 'batch_size': 16}

The YAECS command line parser, one of YAECS' many ways of preparing your experiment's config, is very flexible and fast when you want to change only a handful of parameters.

This is as far as we go for this short introduction. If you're already used to config systems and managing config files, this might be enough to get you started. However, if you've always just used hardcoded values in your code, and maybe argparse, you might not really know where to start. We advise you to look at our tutorial (in DOCUMENTATION_WIP.md), which will walk you through config management using YAECS from early set-up to advanced usage.

Happy experimenting !

Extracted from project README
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