
YASS is Yet Another Static Site

MIT License



YASS is Yet Another Static Site (generator).


A static site generator that makes you say Yass!

Yass is created out of frustration of not finding a simple enough, flexible static site generator, that supports HTML, but also Markdown and Jinja, and Jade.

It's either you use markdown all the way, or you don't get nothing.

Well, Yass is here!


Yass is meant to be simple and straight forward. From configuration, to setting up pages, Yass provides non-developers, designers and developers a tool that will do one thing and one thing only: generate a static site.


Yass is built in Python, and features the powerful templating language Jinja2.

Yass allows you to write your content in either Jade, Mardkdown or plain HTML.

HTML gives you full independence

Mardkdown, when writing article

Jade, when writing HTML in a minimalist form

All three are powered by the powerful Jinja2 template language.


  • Friendly Url
  • Deploy to S3
  • Jinja
  • Jade
  • Markdown
  • HTML

It helps you create static and deploy to S3.

Technology uses:

- Jinja2: Powerful templating language
- Webassets: manages your assets
- Front Matter, to add context to the page
- Arrow to write date and time


pip install yass

Create and serve a new site on local

cd ~/into-your-dir

yass create mysite.com

cd mysite.com 

yass serve

To build the content only

yass build 

To publish to S3

yass deploy 

deploy will trigger a new build, then deploy the content S3



/build: This where the build sites will be created. The content of this dir is ready for upload

/static: Hold the assets static files. This directory will be copied to the build as is

/data: Contains JSON data context to inject in the templates. To access the data, use the file name as as the namespace -> data.json -> {{ data.$var }}

/pages: Contains all the pages to be built If the pages contain local context -> {{ page.title }}

/templates: Contains all the templates to be included, including layouts and custom. If you want to create a file to include, it must be placed in here and be called in the page

/templates/layouts Contains all the layouts to use

/template/partials Contains custom content to include in the pages


Supported format:

Yass support .jade, .html and .md files. It will ignore all other extensions in the /pages directory

Files starting with _ (underscore) will be ignored


The pages in Yass should be arranged in the same way they are intended for the rendered website. Without any additional configuration, the following will just work. Hugo supports content nested at any level.

    |- index.html               // <- http://a.com/
    |- about-us.md              // <- http://a.com/about-us
    |- /post
        |- my-awesome-post.html // <- http://a.com/post/my-awesome-post.html

Front Matter & Page Context

It enables you to include the meta data and context of the content right with it. It only supports the Yaml format, it is placed on top of the page.

title: My site title
slug: /a-new-path/


Your front matter data get parsed as a local object, ie: {{ page.title }}

You can also include your own context


Data Driven

In addition to data files, you can load a resource from any api endpoint.

The data returned must be in the json format.


To generate pages dynamically from a data source


Generators return a context key in the page variable.

For single type, the context is the data for that page

For pagination type, the context is a list (array) of data chunk


Generators returns paginator key in the page variable, if the type is 'pagination'

pagination contains: total_pages, current_pages, page_slug, index_slug

Generator: Single

Generate single pages from a source containing list (array) of data


    type: single
    data_source: posts
    slug: /

data_source: Dot notation can be use to access other node of the data: ie:

// data/posts.json

    "all": [
    "archived": [

You can access the data as:

data_source: posts.archived

slug: Will dynamically build the slug. Having the slug will overwrite the data slug if it has one.

slug format based on the data, so data token must be provided

ie: /{post_type}/{id}/{post_slug}

Generator: Pagination

Will generated a paginated


    type: pagination
    data_source: posts
    per_page: 20
    limit: 100
    slug: /all/page/{page_num}
    index_slug: /all