
A Python 3 script to normalize the Yelp challenge dataset to its core attributes, perform feature selection, generate a subset of the dataset, and output to CSV.

GPL-3.0 License


Yelp Challenge Dataset Normalization

The following project aims to normalize and perform feature selection on the dataset. The motivation of this project is to prepare the dataset to be imported into databases and/or only make use of subsets of the dataset. The resulting normalized JSON file would not need any validation when importing e.g. does this user's friend exist? This project only considers review.json, business.json, and user.json.

Getting Started

This project has a single depedency, tqdm, which manages the progress bar. will create a virtual environment and install packages listed in requirements.txt. will run the project according to the configurations set in All processed files will be written to ./out.

Configuration lists three main configuration settings:

  • NORMALIZE_DATASET: Enables the normalization and feature selection of the original dataset.
  • NORMALIZE_SETTINGS: Sets the file location of the original dataset files and enables which
    files are selected for the processing.
  • GEN_SUBSET: Enables the ability for selecting a subset of the normalized dataset (dependent)
    on files from NORMALIZE_DATASET to be present in ./out.
  • SUBSET_SETTINGS: Allows the user to set the percentage of the dataset to extract and which
    files to generate subsets for.
  • PREPARE_CSV: Enables the ability to create CSV files from a JSON subset of the dataset.
  • PREPARE_SETTINGS: Allows the user to specify which files need to be converted to CSV.

Feature Selection

The core features of the dataset are selected and those which can be calculated (e.g. average_stars) are discarded. user.json includes user friends who may not be in the dataset and these friends are removed. The following features are what you can expect to be in ./out/{business, review, user}_norm.json.

Business User Review
business_id user_id review_id
name name user_id
address friends business_id
city yelping_since stars
state useful date
postal_code funny text
latitude cool useful
longitude fans funny
stars cool

Subset Generation

Subsets of the dataset are generated according to SUBSET_SETTINGS.PERC under Businesses and users are handled first. If a user has friends who are no longer in the dataset, they are removed from that user's friends list. Once this is done, the reviews which have businesses and users within the resulting subsets are kept. The reviews which have businesses or users not in the subsets are discarded.

CSV Generation

Certain databases have bulk offline import tools (e.g. TigerGraph, Amazon Neptune) and they primarily read data using CSV. Since there are list attributes in the dataset, these one-to-many relationships are converted into separate CSV files e.g. categories, friends, etc.

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