
YubiHSM PAM module backend



Copyright 2011 Google Inc.

YubiHSM for unix authentication.


You can use YubiHSM to encrypt all your passwords using a key that's only stored inside the YubiHSM. There is then no way to snarf /etc/shadow and do offline password cracking.

Installation instructions

  1. Set up your YubiHSM (if you haven't already)

(this is a quick rehash of chapter 8 of the YubiHSM reference manual)

Plug it in and run "minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0".

If the prompt is "HSM>" then it's already set up.

If the prompt is "WSAPI>" then it's in WSAPI mode. Run "hsm" and set it up according to the instructions in chapter 8.4 of the YubiHSM reference manual.

If you don't get a prompt at all, then unplug it and hold down the configuration button while inserting it, and try again.

  1. Set up a crypto key for YHSMPAM

Go to the YubiHSM configuration mode (unplug, hold down config button while re-inserting).

Run "minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0". You should get a "HSM>" prompt.

List your existing keys using "keylist". Either pick an existing key number or generate a new using "keygen 8000 1 20" (to generate key with handle 8000).

Type "exit" to make the YubiHSM go into HSM mode.

  1. Configure YHSMPAM

$ sudo mkdir -m 700 /etc/yhsmpam $ sudo mkdir -m 700 /etc/yhsmpam/users $ sudo tee /etc/yhsmpam/yhsmpam.conf > /dev/null key_handle 8000 device /dev/ttyACM0 ^D

If your YubiHSM is /dev/ttyACM0 then you can skip that in the config. It's the default.

Mode 700 on the directories may prevent pam_externalpass from seeing the user config files for some PAM-enabled programs such as su. A fix is being worked on.

  1. Set password for a test user

First copy yhsmpam.py somewhere nice in your admin PATH, such as /usr/local/sbin/yhsmpam (without .py). It will be used by the PAM module, so don't put it in your home directory.

$ sudo yhsmpam set testuser User password: secret

Verify that it was written: $ sudo cat /etc/yhsmpam/users/testuser 071234002600 3821309218309821038213218392103213123123ee12312893182903

  1. Test the password

% sudo yhsmpam check testuser User password: secret Password correct

  1. Install pam_externalpass

Compile and install pam_externalpass: https://github.com/ThomasHabets/pam_externalpass

git clone https://github.com/ThomasHabets/pam_externalpass.git cd pam_externalpass ./configure make make install

  1. Configure PAM

Add this to /etc/pam.d/common-auth before the pam_unix line: auth sufficient /usr/local/lib/libpam_externalpass.so exec=/usr/local/sbin/yhsmpam prompt=HSM_Password:_ userconf=/etc/yhsmpam/users/%u

  1. Try logging in as the test user

Use ssh, su or whatever. If you put the line in /etc/pam.d/common-auth it should work for everything (except su, see above).