
A Blender addon for importing models and animations from Zelda N64 games

LGPL-3.0 License



This is a Blender addon allowing to import models and animations from files extracted from N64 Zelda roms.

Required Blender version: 2.79 or earlier

You should open the system console (Window > Toggle System Console in Blender) before importing an object so you can see the progress being made, as the Blender UI freezes during the import process.

The messages in the system console may also help understand why an import is failing.


For some reason the animations for the Bari (jellyfish in jabujabu) don't import.

Importing Link's animations may be broken.

Data from other segments

Data from other segments will be loaded from files named segment_XX.zdata located in the same directory as the imported file, if any, where XX is the segment number in hex.

For segment 2 (scene segment) data will load from XXX_scene.zscene assuming the imported file is named like XXX_room.*, or from segment_02.zdata, or from any .zscene file, trying in that order.



Originally written by SoulofDeity, they did most of the work. Their code can be found in this repository's history or on google code (http url).


Then, Nokaubure distributed a version with following added features:

  • Textures tags #MirrorX/Y and #ClampX/Y for exporting again using SharpOcarina
  • Importing vertex alpha
  • A displaylists.txt file alongside the imported file is read for display lists to import (made by Skawo)
  • If the imported file is named like XXX_room.*, data for segment 2 will first tried to be read from XXX_scene.zscene
  • Scale map models by 48 (it turned out this was just cancelling out the 1/48 scale SoulofDeity implemented)
  • Set Blender's 3D view grid size parameters for maps
  • Made pre-rendered scenes able to import


Then, Dragorn421 made changes to import all animations at once instead of only one every import, and other smaller changes, changelog for these versions was:

Import Options

  • Added option to use shadeless materials (don't use environment colors in-game) (default False)
  • Added original object scale option, blender objects will be at inverted scale (default 100, use 48 for maps?)
  • Made Texture Clamp and Texture Mirror options True by default
  • Removed option for animation to import


  • Made all animations import at once, each action named animXX_FF where XX is some number and FF the number of frames
  • Removed the (useless) actions every mesh part had
  • Made armature modifier show in edit mode by default
  • Made end frame (in Timeline) be the maximum duration of animations
  • Improved console log a tiny bit (open console before importing to see progress)


  • Importing normals only lacks ability to apply them reliably (Blender limitations), currently data is lost when merging doubles, so in this version normals are not used at all

Later, these additional changes were made:

  • Support 0xE1 commands for importing display lists, used by level-of-detail stuff (thanks Nokaubure for the explanations)
  • Introduced logging
  • Handle importing an object with several hierarchies (skeletons) better (thanks Nokaubure for pointing that out)

At this point, version number was introduced to be 2.0

Further changes are documented by release tags and commit history.