
vim,zsh,tmux,git, ctags, ag, jshint, emacs and more


I use Vundle to management my vim plugins. You can refer to this link for more information: Vundle

Install with:

git clone ~/.vim

cd ~/.vim


Install plugins

Open a arbitrary file and run the following ex command of vim:

Note: The BundleInstal commands will not install YouCompleteMe on default, you should uncomment it from *bundles.vim*

Install oh-my-zsh, tmux

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install tmux
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace

Config YouCompleteMe plugin

You can refer to this link for more information.


If you want to use the full power of these vim plugins, you should install python,ruby ctags,jsctags.

For Windows Platform

1. At first, you should download the [vim version](

2. After downloading, you should clone this repository at your home directory. Here is the instructions.

git clone

3. copy the _vimrc file in the *dotvim* directory to your $Home$ directory

4. Issue your gvim editor and input :BundleInstall to install the plugins

5. Enjoy!

Config for .gitconfig.local

  helper = osxkeychain

  username = zilongshanren
  token = a123uber456secret789ceprivate000key78


Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL).