
Common PyTorch Modules

MIT License


Machine Intelligence PyTorch Module Zoo PyPI

This package contains implementations standalone, commonly reusable PyTorch nn.Modules. To install it run

pip install mi-module-zoo

Documentation of the library is found at https://microsoft.github.io/mi-module-zoo/.

This library is maintained by the Machine Intelligence group in Microsoft Research.


A list of the modules follows, for detailed documentation, please check the docstring of each module.

  • mi_model_zoo.mlp.construct_mlp() A function that generates an nn.Sequential for a
    multilinear perceptron.
  • mi_model_zoo.settransformer.SetTransformer The Set Transformer models.
  • mi_model_zoo.settransformer.ISAB An Inducing-point Self-Attention Block from the Set Transformer paper.
  • mi_model_zoo.RelationalMultiheadAttention The relational multi-head attention variants,
    supporting both sparse and dense relationships,
    including Shaw et. al. (2019), RAT-SQL,
    and GREAT variants.
  • mi_model_zoo.relationaltransformerlayers.RelationalTransformerEncoderLayer A relational
    transformer encoder layer that supports both dense and sparse relations among elements. Supports
    ReZero and a variety of normalization modes.
  • mi_model_zoo.relationaltransformerlayers.RelationalTransformerDecoderLayer A relational
    transformer decoder layer that supports both dense and sparse relations among encoded-decoded
    and decoded-decoded elements. Supports ReZero and a variety of normalization modes.


  • mi_model_zoo.utils.randomutils.set_seed() Set the seed across Python, NumPy, and PyTorch (CPU+CUDA).
  • mi_model_zoo.utils.activationutils.get_activation_fn() Get an activation function by name.


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pre-commit install
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