
vision based deep learning for racing games


mind_the_bend 🏎️

Vision based deep learning for racing games.

Does the car stay on track by itself ? yes

Should you trust your life on it ? no

Note: The model is trained and tested on an open source racing sim called speed dreams, you can install it from here

Ensemble model (under progresss)



data collection

For the ensemble model, data was collected from 2 perspectives within the game:

  • one of them would be responsible for the "colors" with a simple RGB image from the bonnet of the car
  • another one would be for the "edges" from a third person perspective


Vanilla model:


Here's the Project in action

🎥 Collection of training data -

  • Rapidly takes screenshots of the game and saves them into a folder
  • The label in this case is the x-co-ordinate of the mouse which is captured by pyautogui and is stored in the formatted filename of each collected image

image fileame formatting is done as (x-value)_(unique_ID).png

🔎 Processing images

  • Converts all images to numpy arrays with a depth of 3 for R,G and B color channels
  • The shape gets changed from [ width, height, depth ] to [ depth, width, height] for it to be of the right size for the CNN input channel
  • Augmentation techniques like RandomAffine() get applied upon the images before the forward pass through the CNN for training

📈 Data preprocessing and augmentation

  • First things first, plotted the frequency distribution of each steering value hen
  • Roughly doubled the amount of training data by generating mirror images of existing images and vstacking them with reversed steer value.
  • Flattened the frequency distribution by oversampling some labels with the Imbalanced-learn library and torch transforms
  • Normalised the steering values by replacing the x-co-ordinates with steering values. In my case the "straight" steer value was at x = 400, for normalised_value = 400 - x_value.

note : Right is negative steer value and left is positive

🚗 Self driving


  • Rapidly taken screenshots are prerpocessed and fed to the trained CNN drunk_driver()
  • drunk_driver() returns a steer value
  • Returned value is taken care of by pyautogui which moves the mouse accordingly


Stuff that's under way right now -

  • take screenshots at a higher framerate both while collecting training data and testing trained models
  • Figuring out a better data augmentation technique, instead of just making copies
  • Create and train an ensemble model with frames from different perspectives (forward, top down)

❗ need help

  • need a proper way to terminate/pause the loop in wear_your_seatbelts.ipynb when the CNN takes over mouse control, currently its done by moving the mouse to the corner of the screen manually
  • kernel dies after about 5 mins of data collection in collect_training_data.ipynb
Extracted from project README