



This is a test task I did for some reason. It contains evaluation of:

  • FC VAE / FCN VAE on MNIST / FMNIST for image reconstruction;
  • Comparison of embeddings produced by VAE / PCA / UMAP for classification;


What you can find here:

  • A working VAE example on PyTorch with a lot of flags (both FC and FCN, as well as a number of failed experiments);
  • Some experiment boilerplate code;
  • Comparison between embeddings produced by PCA / UMAP / VAEs (spoiler - VAEs win);
  • A step-by step logic of what I did in main.ipynb

Docker environment

To build the docker image from the Dockerfile located in dockerfile please do:

cd dockerfile
docker build -t vae_docker .

(you can replace public ssh key with yours, ofc)

Also please make sure that nvidia-docker2 and proper nvidia drivers are installed.

To test the installation run

docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi

Then launch the container as follows:

docker run --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 -it -v /your/folder/:/home/keras/notebook/your_folder -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 --name vae --shm-size 16G vae_docker

Please note that w/o --shm-size 16G PyTorch dataloader classes will not work. The above command will start a container with a Jupyter notebook server available via port 8888. Port 6006 is for tensorboard, if necessary.

Then you can exec into the container like this. All the scripts were run as root, but they must also work under user keras

docker exec -it --user root REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash


docker exec -it --user keras REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash

To find out the container ID run

 docker container ls

Most important dependencies (if you do not want docker)

These are the most important dependencies (others you can just install in the progress):

Ubuntu 16.04
cuda 9.0
cudnn 7
python 3.6
tensorflow-gpu (for tensorboard)
pytorch 0.4.0 (cuda90)
torchvision 2.0

If you have trouble with these, look up how I install them in the Dockerfile / jupyter notebook.



The best model can be trained as follows

python3 \
	--epochs 30 --batch-size 512 --seed 42 \
	--model_type fc_conv --dataset_type fmnist --latent_space_size 10 \
	--do_augs False \
	--lr 1e-3 --m1 40 --m2 50 \
	--optimizer adam \
	--do_running_mean False --img_loss_weight 1.0 --kl_loss_weight 1.0 \
	--image_loss_type bce --ssim_window_size 5 \
	--print-freq 10 \
	--lognumber fmnist_fc_conv_l10_rebalance_no_norm \
	--tensorboard True --tensorboard_images True \

If you launch this code, the copy of FMNIST dataset will be dowloaded automatically.

Suggested alternative values for the flags for playing with them:

  • dataset_type - can be set to mnist and fmnist. In each case will download the necessary dataset
  • latent_space_size - will affect the latent space in combination with model_type fc_conv or fc. Other model types do not work properly
  • m1 and m2 control lr decay, but it did not really help here
  • image_loss_type can be set to bce, mse or ssim. In practice bce works best. mse is worse. I suppose that proper scaling is required to make it work with ssim (it does not train now)
  • tensorboard and tensorboard_images can also be set to False. But they just write logs, so you may just not bother

These flags are optional --tensorboard True --tensorboard_images True, in order to use them, you have to

  • install tensorboard (installs with tensorflow)
  • launch tensorboard with the following command tensorboard --logdir='path/to/tb_logs' --port=6006

You can also resume from the best checkpoint using these flags:

python3 \
	--resume weights/fmnist_fc_conv_l10_rebalance_no_norm_best.pth.tar \
	--epochs 60 --batch-size 512 --seed 42 \
	--model_type fc_conv --dataset_type fmnist --latent_space_size 10 \
	--do_augs False \
	--lr 1e-3 --m1 50 --m2 100 \
	--optimizer adam \
	--do_running_mean False --img_loss_weight 1.0 --kl_loss_weight 1.0 \
	--image_loss_type bce --ssim_window_size 5 \
	--print-freq 10 \
	--lognumber fmnist_resume \
	--tensorboard True --tensorboard_images True \

The best reconstructions are supposed to look like this (top row - original images, bottow row - reconstructions):

Brief ablation analysis of the results

✓ What worked

  1. Using BCE loss + KLD loss
  2. Converting a plain FC model into a conv model in the most straight-forward fashion possible, i.e. replacing this
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(784, 400)
        self.fc21 = nn.Linear(400, latent_space_size)
        self.fc22 = nn.Linear(400, latent_space_size)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(latent_space_size, 400)
        self.fc4 = nn.Linear(400, 784)

with this

        self.fc1 = nn.Conv2d(1,32, kernel_size=(28,28), stride=1, padding=0)
        self.fc21 = nn.Conv2d(32,latent_space_size, kernel_size=(1,1), stride=1, padding=0)
        self.fc22 = nn.Conv2d(32,latent_space_size, kernel_size=(1,1), stride=1, padding=0)
        self.fc3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(latent_space_size,118, kernel_size=(1,1),  stride=1, padding=0)
        self.fc4 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(118,1, kernel_size=(28,28),  stride=1, padding=0)
  1. Using SSIM as visualization metric. It correlates awesomely with perceived visual similarity of the image and its reconstruction

✗ What did not work

  1. Extracting mean and std from images - removing this feature boosted SSIM on FMNIST 4-5x
  2. Doing any simple augmentations (unsurprisingly - it adds a complexity level to a simple task)
  3. Any architectures beyond the most obvious ones:
    • UNet inspired architectures (my speculation - this is because image size is very small, and very global features work best, i.e. feature extraction cascade is overkill)
    • I tried various combinations of convolution weights, all of them did not work
    • 1xN convolutions
  4. MSE loss performed poorly, SSIM loss did not work at all
  5. LR decay, as well as any LR besides 1e-3 (with adam) does not really help
  6. Increasing latent space to 20 or 100 does not really change much

** ¯|(ツ)/¯ What I did not try**

  1. Ensembling or building meta-architectures
  2. Conditional VAEs
  3. Increasing network capacity

PCA vs. UMAP vs. VAE

Please refer to section 5 of the main.ipynb

Is notable that:

  • VAEs visually worked better than PCA;
  • Using the VAE embedding for classification produces higher accuracty (~80% vs. 73%);
  • A similar accuracy on train/val can be obtained using UMAP;

Jupyter notebook (.ipynb file) is best viewed using these Jupiter notebook extensions (installed with the below command, then to be turned on in the Jupyter GUI)

pip install git+
# conda install html5lib==0.9999999
jupyter contrib nbextension install --system

Sometims there is a html5lib conflict. Excluded from the Dockerfile because of this conflict (sometimes occurs, sometimes not).

Further reading

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