
A rust implementation of AlphaZero algorithm

APACHE-2.0 License


Synthesis: A Rust implementation of AlphaZero

This repo is a cargo workspace made up of multiple crates & binaries:

  • synthesis: The main library crate with all the main training & MCTS logic in it
  • study-connect4: A binary crate that uses the synthesis library to train a network to play Connect4
  • base65536: A small crate to encode/decode u8's into valid utf-8 strings
  • slimnn: A small neural network crate in pure rust
  • export: A binary crate that saves pytorch weights into a format slimnn can understand

cargo run --release --bin study-connect4

What's implemented

  • Integration with the tch-rs [1] package to support pytorch in rust
  • General MCTS implementation that supports the standard rollout method as well as using a NN in place of rollouts
  • Includes MCTS Solver [2]
  • Includes FPU [3]
  • An AlphaZero [4] learner that collects experience using MCTS+NN and trains a policy and value function
  • Supports multiple value targets
  • All hyperparameters exposed
  • Multi threaded support!
  • Lightweight evaluation against standard rollout mcts with various number of explores
  • Saves game outcomes to a pgn file
  • Runs bayeselo [5] executable to produce elo ratings
  • Plots ratings
  • 9x7 Connect4 as a playground to test things
  • Support for running without torch
  • slimnn for simple NN layer implementations
  • export & base65536 for converting torch weights to utf-8 strings
  2. Winands, Mark HM, Yngvi Bjrnsson, and Jahn-Takeshi Saito. "Monte-Carlo tree search solver." International Conference on Computers and Games. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
  3. Gelly, Sylvain, and Yizao Wang. "Exploration exploitation in go: UCT for Monte-Carlo go." NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems Conference On-line trading of Exploration and Exploitation Workshop. 2006.


  • Evaluation metrics in addition to elo:
    • Depth reached
    • Something for how quickly positions are solved
    • Search policy accuracy
    • value accuracy against Q
    • value accuracy against 2-ply minimax value
  • mix mcst tree and minimax tree (of solved nodes) using p(correct)
  • Support transpositions (and backprop to multiple parents) while training... does this improve strength?
  • Score Bounded solver
  • Ordinal MCTS
  • Regularized Policy Optimization
  • Schedules for various parameters
    • sample_actions_until
    • value target
    • noise_weight
  • New algorithm for separate exploration/exploitation
    • Is this ExIt?
    • exploration process that builds off of exploit play line by sampling other states backward
    • exploit process that samples a state from ^ and exploits all the way down

Resources for learning more about AlphaZero


Dual-licensed to be compatible with the Rust project.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license, at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.