
Simple XLNet implementation with Pytorch Wrapper

APACHE-2.0 License


XLNet-Pytorch arxiv:1906.08237

Simple XLNet implementation with Pytorch Wrapper!

You can see How XLNet Architecture work in pre-training with small batch size(=1) example.

To Usage

$ git clone https://github.com/graykode/xlnet-Pytorch && cd xlnet-Pytorch

# To use Sentence Piece Tokenizer(pretrained-BERT Tokenizer)
$ pip install pytorch_pretrained_bert

$ python main.py --data ./data.txt --tokenizer bert-base-uncased \
   --seq_len 512 --reuse_len 256 --perm_size 256 \
   --bi_data True --mask_alpha 6 --mask_beta 1 \
   --num_predict 85 --mem_len 384 --num_epoch 100

Also, You can run code in Google Colab easily.

  • Hyperparameters for Pretraining in Paper.
  • —data(String) : .txt file to train. It doesn't matter multiline text. Also, one file will be one batch tensor. Default : data.txt

  • —tokenizer(String) : I just used huggingface/pytorch-pretrained-BERT's Tokenizer as subword tokenizer(I'll edit it to sentence piece soon). you can choose in bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, bert-large-cased. Default : bert-base-uncased

  • —seq_len(Integer) : Sequence length. Default : 512

  • —reuse_len(Interger) : Number of token that can be reused as memory. Could be half of seq_len. Default : 256

  • —perm_size(Interger) : the length of longest permutation. Could be set to be reuse_len. Default : 256

  • --bi_data(Boolean) : whether to create bidirectional data. If bi_data is True, biz(batch size) should be even number. Default : False

  • —mask_alpha(Interger) : How many tokens to form a group. Defalut : 6

  • —mask_beta(Integer) : How many tokens to mask within each group. Default : 1

  • —num_predict(Interger) : Num of tokens to predict. In Paper, it mean Partial Prediction. Default : 85

  • —mem_len(Interger) : Number of steps to cache in Transformer-XL Architecture. Default : 384

  • —num_epoch(Interger) : Number of Epoch. Default : 100

What is XLNet?

XLNet is a new unsupervised language representation learning method based on a novel generalized permutation language modeling objective. Additionally, XLNet employs Transformer-XL as the backbone model, exhibiting excellent performance for language tasks involving long context.

BERT 86.6 92.3 91.3 70.4 93.2 88.0 60.6 90.0
XLNet 89.8 93.9 91.8 83.8 95.6 89.2 63.6 91.8

Keyword in XLNet

  1. How did XLNet benefit from Auto-Regression and Auto-Encoding models?

    • Auto-Regression Model
    • Auto-Encoding Model
  2. Permutation Language Modeling with Partial Prediction

    • Permutation Language Modeling

    • Partial Prediction

  3. Two-Stream Self-Attention with Target-Aware Representation

    • Two-Stram Self-Attention

    • Target-Aware Representation


  • Because the original repository is subject to the Apache2.0 license, it is subject to the same license.
  • Tae Hwan Jung(Jeff Jung) @graykode, Kyung Hee Univ CE(Undergraduate).
  • Author Email : [email protected]