
Application for utilizing optical glass catalogs

GPL-3.0 License




GlassPlotter is a desktop application to utilize commercial optical glass catalogs. It features to provide a great variety of functional plots with good-looking graphics. It hopes to be useful for diverse optical engineers.

Getting Started

Prebuilt Binaries

The prebuilt binaries can be downloaded from Release page.

Glass Catalogs

This application reads AGF/XML files distributed elsewhere, most of which are freely available.

Be careful that the catalog files in this repository are not always up to date.

  1. Zemax AGF Available on each manufacturer's website.

  2. CODE V XML Available on Synopsys support page.


This application computes refractive index relative to air(relative refractive index). This is because the values in the catalog are relative index values. And the refractive index of optical glasses changes with temperature, and the extend depends on the glass type and on the wavelength. Read Schott Technical Information (TIE-19) for calculation details.

When you find a slight difference between official data and that of this application, check the environment temperature setting (File->Preference). With the temperature value set to the same as that of the glass supplier, the calculated refractive index should be the same value.


See also Wiki for further information.



Library Description
Qt GUI library
QCustomPlot Graph plotting library
spline Cubic spline interpolation library
Eigen Template library for linear algebra
pugixml Simple XML parser

Building from Source

All of the dependencies except Qt itself have been already included in this repository.

Use cmake to generate Visual Studio solution.


This project is licensed under GPL License - see the LICENSE for details.


Contributions and feedbacks are greatly appreciated. Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Related Repository

  • python-glass-manager: Python transcriptions of the core components to load AGF/XML and deal with glass properties.
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