
Simple open-source text editor.

MIT License


illText - Simple Text Editor

illText is a simple and user-friendly text editor built using C++ and the Qt framework. It provides basic text editing functionalities such as creating new files, opening existing files, saving files, and basic text manipulation operations like copy, paste, and cut. This editor also features a transparent text editing area to give it a sleek, modern look.


  • Create New File: Start with a blank text document.
  • Open File: Open and edit existing text files.
  • Save File: Save your work to a file.
  • Copy, Paste, Cut: Easily manipulate text.
  • Transparent Text Area: The text area is transparent, allowing the background to show through.




To build and run illText, you need the following installed on your system:

  • C++ Compiler: Ensure you have a C++17 compatible compiler installed (e.g., GCC, Clang).
  • Qt 6.x: Make sure Qt is installed and configured correctly. You can install it via your package manager or download it from the Qt website.
  • CMake: Required for building the project.
  • CLion (Optional): If you prefer using an IDE, CLion is recommended for this project.

Steps to Install and Run

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd illText
  2. Configure the Project with CMake:

    cmake -B build -S .
  3. Build the Project:

    cmake --build build
  4. Run the Application:


macOS Specific Notes

On macOS, if you encounter issues related to missing headers like type_traits, make sure you have the correct developer tools installed:

  • Ensure you have the Command Line Tools installed:

    xcode-select --install
  • If using Homebrew, ensure Qt is correctly linked:

    brew install qt
    brew link qt --force --overwrite
  • You may need to update your CMakeLists.txt to ensure the correct paths for the Qt libraries.


  • New File: Use the New button or menu item to start a new document.
  • Open File: Use the Open button or menu item to open an existing file.
  • Save File: Use the Save button or menu item to save your work.
  • Copy/Paste/Cut: These operations are available via the Edit menu or keyboard shortcuts.


You can customize the appearance of illText by editing the illtext.ui file using Qt Designer, or by modifying the stylesheets in illtext.cpp.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
