
A note taking application, featuring markdown syntax.

MIT License



Master build status: Develop build status:

Maintenance status:

Mikidown is a note taking application with markdown.

Mikidown was inspired by Zim and based on ReText. The logo is derived from markdown-mark.

Install mikidown with

python3-pip install mikidown

Run mikidown without installing

git clone https://github.com/shadowkyogre/mikidown.git
cd mikidown


  • Edit markdown with live preview
  • Switch between Edit/View/LiveEdit mode
  • All notes in one place, with multiple notebooks support
  • Page cross-link
  • Import from plain text files, export to HTML, PDF
  • Customise your note style (by editing CSS file)
  • Spell check


  • Python.3+
  • PyQt.5+
  • python-markdown
  • python-whoosh
  • python-html2text ( Optional for HTML to markdown conversion, otherwise, formatted text is pasted as HTML )
  • python-asciimathml ( Optional for asciimathml support )
  • python-pyenchant ( Optional for spell checking )
  • slickpicker ( Optional for better color picking for mikidown highlighting colors )

Beautiful notes powered by markdown

In case you are unfamiliar with markdown, you can use this file (Help->README) as a simple reference to basic markdown syntax. However, Its suggested to look at the complete Markdown Syntax.

Markdown extension

All python-markdown extensions are supported. To enable/disable extension, edit the notebook.conf file in your notebook folder.

# notebook_folder/notebook.conf
extensions=nl2br, strkundr, codehilite, fenced_code, headerid, headerlink, footnotes

Mikidown Specific Syntax

  1. page cross link

    • [text](/parentNode/childNode/pageName)
    • [text](/parentNode/childNode/pageName#anchor)
  2. absolute and relative image path

    • ![text](file:///home/user/pic.png)
    • ![text](pic.png) # path relative to notebook folder
    • Ctrl + I or Edit -> Insert Image will bring up an insert image dialog.
  3. ins/del/bold/italics

    • ~~delete~~ will yield delete
    • __insert__ will yield insert
    • **strong** will yield strong
    • //emphasis// will yield emphasis


ShadowKyogre and more

Fork and help are much appreciated.

Want to help? Further details are in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Extracted from project README
master Build Status develop Build Status Not Maintained
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