
A TreeView component for QML/QtQuick 2 with a generic TreeModel for Qt5 and compatible with Qt6

MIT License


QMLTreeView for Qt 5

This project provides a QML Tree View with a C++ Tree Model for Qt 5.15 and QuickControls 2.

Since Qt 6.3 TreeView has been added as standard component. It is suggested to use the standard one.


  • QML Tree View
  • C++ Tree Model
  • Item selection
  • Item hovering
  • Customizable layout (color, font, positioning)
  • Delegates to fully customize part of the TreeView
  • A Json Tree View implementation



int main()
   auto america = new TreeItem("America");
   auto asia = new TreeItem("Asia");
   auto europe = new TreeItem("Europe");  
   auto brazil = new TreeItem("Brazil");
   auto canada = new TreeItem("Canada");
   auto italy = new TreeItem("Italy");
   auto portugal = new TreeItem("Portugal");

   auto treeModel = new TreeModel();
   model.addItem(america, brazil);
   model.addItem(america, canada);
   model.addItem(europe, italy);
   model.addItem(europe, portugal);

   QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
   engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("treeModel", treeModel);

   return app.exec();


Expose and populate the TreeModel from C++, then just initialize it

    TreeView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: treeModel

and this is the result


Code has been tested in the following OS:

  • Windows
  • Linux


  • Copy the modules folder to your project, then add the qmltreeview.pri file or manually add headers, source and
    resource file.
  • Add the modules path to the QML_IMPORT_PATH.
  • In the main file add the import path to the engine with engine.addImportPath("qrc:/modules");
  • In the QML file you can include the module with import QMLTreeView 1.0


Selection / Hovering

Hovering and selection can be activated enabling the respective properties

    TreeView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: treeModel
        selectionEnabled: true
        hoverEnabled: true


TreeView support color styling for each part. Positioning can be customized with the properties rowHeight, rowPadding and rowSpacing.

    TreeView {
        anchors.fill: parent
        model: treeModel

        selectionEnabled: true
        hoverEnabled: true

        color: "steelblue"
        handleColor: "steelblue"
        hoverColor: "skyblue"
        selectedColor: "cornflowerblue"
        selectedItemColor: "white"
        handleStyle: TreeView.Handle.Chevron
        rowHeight: 30
        rowPadding: 30 
        font.pixelSize: 24

Font can be customized through properties font and fontMetrics.

The default handle comes with differents default styles:

    enum Handle {

Custom Delegates

These component are provided and can be customized with delegates:

  • contentItem: the control element of each row
  • handle: element to collapse/expand the TreeView
  • highlight: the highlight element

Each delegate can use the property currentRow to retreive the information for its own row. currentRow possess the following properties:

  • currentIndex
  • currentData
  • currentItem
  • itemChildCount
  • expanded
  • selected
  • hasChildren
  • isSelectedIndex
  • isHoveredIndex
  • isSelectedAndHoveredIndex

currentRow.toggle() toggles the expansion of the current section.

TreeView {
    id: delegateTreeView
    anchors.fill: parent
    anchors.margins: 1

    model: treeModel
    selectionEnabled: true

    contentItem: Row {
        spacing: 10

        Rectangle {
            width: parent.height * 0.6
            height: width
            radius: width
            y: width / 3
            color: currentRow.hasChildren ? "tomato" : "lightcoral"

        Text {
            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter

            color: currentRow.isSelectedIndex ? delegateTreeView.selectedItemColor : delegateTreeView.color
            text: currentRow.currentData
            font: delegateTreeView.font

    handle: Item {
        width: 20
        height: 20
        Rectangle {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            width: 10
            height: 2
            color: "black"
            visible: currentRow.hasChildren

            Rectangle {
                anchors.centerIn: parent
                width: parent.height
                height: parent.width
                color: parent.color
                visible: parent.visible && !currentRow.expanded

    highlight: Item {
        Rectangle {
            color: "pink"
            width: parent.width * 0.9
            height: parent.height
            anchors.left: parent.left
            radius: 20
        Rectangle {
            color: "pink"
            width: parent.width * 0.2
            height: parent.height
            anchors.right: parent.right
            radius: 20
        Behavior on y { NumberAnimation { duration: 150 }}

Data Access

Data access for row element is provided by the properties:

  • currentIndex: return the model index for the selected element
  • currentData: return the data for the selected element
  • currentItem: return the visual item of the selected element

Node Manipulation

TreeModel provides the methods addTopLevelItem, addItem, removeItem and clear to add and remove node to the tree. setData instead provides a way to change the data of a given node. Take a look at the Manipulator Example which show a way to manipulate the tree directly from QML.

Customizing Models

Since the tree item store a QVariant as data, it's possible to register your custom type with Q_DECLARE_METATYPE and use the TreeModel as is without modifying it.

JsonTreeView example show how to achieve that, declaring a JsonEntry class and providing it to the model.

   "firstName": "John",
   "lastName": "Smith",
   "age": 25,
   "address": {
      "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
      "city": "New York",
      "state": "NY",
      "postalCode": "10021",
      "owner": true
   "phoneNumber": [
        "type": "home",
        "number": "212 555-1234"
        "type": "fax",
        "number": "646 555-4567"


TreeView {
   id: jsonView
   anchors.fill: parent
   anchors.margins: 1
   model: jsonModel
   rowPadding: 20
   selectionEnabled: true
   contentItem: RowLayout {
      Text {
         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
         text: currentRow.currentData.key
      Text {
         Layout.fillWidth: true
         Layout.rightMargin: 10
         verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
         text: currentRow.currentData.value ? currentRow.currentData.value : ""