
Advanced R workshop


Advanced R Workshop

This two-day workshop will cover advanced R topics including:

  • writing functions (e.g., characteristics of well-written functions, lazy evaluation, error and warning handling)
  • debugging strategies and tools
  • succinctly applying functions to vectors with the map() family of functions within the purrr package
  • split-apply-combine strategies for applying functions to chunks of data (e.g., list-column data frames)
  • using profiling tools to find code speed bottlenecks
  • using benchmarking tools to compare code speed
  • parallel processing approaches (with a focus on the future package)
  • using Rcpp to link basic C++ code with R to eliminate bottlenecks

Prior to taking this workshop, participants will be expected to have reviewed a subset of the Foundations sections of the Advanced R book by Hadley Wickham (Names and values, Vectors, Subsetting, and Control flow) and be familiar with the basics of ggplot2 and dplyr. See and

See admin/ for an outline of learning goals and software requirements.

Functions and functional programming

  • Introduction and foundations refresher
    • intro.key
    • tools.key
  • Functions
    • functions.key
    • adv-functions.key
  • Debugging functions
    • debugging.key
    • debugging.Rmd
  • Functional programming: iterating with functions via the purrr package
    • iteration.Rmd + purrr.key
  • List-column data frames and other split, apply, combine strategies
    • list-columns.Rmd
  • Tidy evaluation
    • tidy-eval.Rmd


  • Benchmarking
    • performance.key + benchmarking.Rmd
  • Profiling
    • profiling.Rmd
  • Parallel processing
    • parallel.key
    • futures-introduction.Rmd
    • future-bootstrap.Rmd
  • Rcpp
    • rcpp.key
    • rcpp-introduction.Rmd

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