
R package to create color palettes based on The Dresden Files book covers



The Dresden Files inspired color palette for R users. In honor of the recent release of Brief Cases by Jim Butcher I created a family of Dresden Files inspired color palettes using the cover art by Chris McGrath from Orbit Books. Code adapted from LaCroixColorR written by Dave Armitage and Johannes Bjork.

Install the package

install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("katiesaund/DresdenColor")

Choose from 3 kinds of palettes: "discrete", "continuous", and "paired"


dresden_palette("briefcases", type = "discrete")

Inspired by: Brief Case cover art


dresden_palette("briefcases", n = 50, type = "continuous") Brief Cases

dresden_palette("foolmoon", n = 50, type = "continuous") Fool Moon


dresden_palette(type = "paired") Paired

Plots with Brief Case palette

mat <- matrix(rnorm(n = 100, mean = 0, sd = 20), ncol = 10) heatmap(mat, col = dresden_palette("foolmoon", type = "continuous", n = length(unique(mat)))) Heatmap

Create a palette from any novel title (one word, all lowercase): All palettes

Many thanks to Jim Butcher!!!