
R package for spatial graph-theoretic gravity modelling

GPL-3.0 License


GeNetIt (CRAN 0.1-6, development 0.1-7)

GeNetIt is an R package for spatial graph-theoretic gravity modeling. The model framework is applicable for other types of matrix-based spatial flow (from-to) problems. Includes functions for constructing spatial graphs, sampling, summarizing associated raster variables and building unconstrained and singly constrained gravity models following Murphy et al., (2010).

As of version 0.1-6 all support of raster (RasterLayer, RasterStack) and sp (SpatialPointsDataFrame) class objects has ended, replaced by terra (SpatRaster) and sf (sf POINT) classes.

You can access a full tutorial here

Available functions in GeNetIt 0.1-6 are:

GeNetIt Function Description
adj.matrix Creates binary adjacency matrix of from-to (joins) structure of graph Build node data
compare.models Compare competing hypothesis (models)
dmatrix.df Distance matrix to data.frame
dps dps genetic distance matrix for Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris)
flow Convert distance matrix to flow (1-d)
graph.metrics Calculates a suite of metrics on the structure of the graph
graph.statistics Raster statistics for edges (lines) with buffer argument for multi-scale assessment Effect size for a gravity model
gravity Gravity model
knn.graph K Nearest Neighbor or saturated Graph
node.statistics Raster statistics for nodes (points)
plot.gravity plot generic for a gravity model object
predict.gravity predict generic gravity model
print.gravity print generic gravity model
ralu.model Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) data for specifying gravity model. Note, the data.frame is already log transformed. Subset of site-level spatial point data for Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris)
rasters Subset of raster data for Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris)
summary.gravity summary generic for gravity model objects
area.graph.statistics Depreciated, please use graph.statistics with buffer argument

Bugs: Users are encouraged to report bugs here. Go to issues in the menu above, and press new issue to start a new bug report, documentation correction or feature request. You can direct questions to [email protected].

To install GeNetIt in R use install.packages() to download curent stable release from CRAN

or, for the development version, run the following (requires the remotes package): remotes::install_github("jeffreyevans/GeNetIt")