
Code and data necessary to reproduce heatmaps relating HN Submission time to submission score.



Code and data necessary to reproduce heatmaps relating HN Submission time to submission score.

Data was retrieved using this SQL query in my PostgreSQL database filled using the code in this repository:

SELECT date_part('dow', created_at)  AS dow,
	date_part('hour', created_at) As hour,
	COUNT(created_at) AS num_submissions,
	AVG(num_points) as avg_score,
	MEDIAN(num_points) as med_score,
	CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN num_points >= 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS numeric) / COUNT(num_points) as perc_greater_10
FROM hn_submissions
GROUP BY dow, hour
ORDER BY dow, hour

Requires packages declared at beginning of Rstart.R. Fonts will only render if code is run on OS X.