
What are the minimum dependencies for your package?



A workflow for finding the minimum required versions of all packages that your package imports.

How does it work?

  1. It creates a baseline library via remotes::install_deps(dependencies = TRUE) .

  2. Imported packages are sorted topologically, packages that depend on other packages come first. Versions are erased from the DESCRIPTION .

  3. For each imported package, a bisection along the available versions (obtained via crandb::package(version = "all")) is made. The baseline library is copied (using symlinks), and the packages for which minimum versions are to be tested are installed using remotes::install_version(). The test criterion is a successful R CMD check without NOTEs.

  4. The minimum version for each package is written to the DESCRIPTION .


  1. Clone this project and install packages (or launch binder or rstudio.cloud from the badge at the top of this README)

    # install.packages("remotes")
  2. Clone the package you want to find minimum versions for

  3. Adapt 00-*.R to point to your package

Run it

Run each script ??-*.R in sequence, the 05-*.R script must be run repeatedly until the error "All versions determined, move to next script." is raised.

The following files are created:

  • gen.rds: Imported packages sorted by "generation" (topologically)
  • baseline.rds: All CRAN versions of imported packages
  • lib/: The baseline library
  • candidate-####.rds: Intermediate results of the bisection