
Miscellaneous R functions which I load in my .Rprofile

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Miscellaneous R functions which I load in my .Rprofile, including functions to

  • Increment development version
  • Set up multiple git remotes
  • Add pre-commit hooks to ensure package version is incremented on each commit

Increment development version

One function increment_dev_version() is an alternative version of usethis::use_dev_version(), but adapted to my workflow of incrementing the fourth component of version numbers for every single commit. I have this function aliased to incr="Rscript -e 'mpmisc::increment_dev_version()'", so simply have to type incr to automatically increment my version and update codemeta.json (if that file exists).

Set up git remotes

I mirror many repositories on various git remote services, including Sourcehut, GitLab, BitBucket, and GitHub. The add_git_remotes() function automatically adds the appropriate remote entries for any locations in which a repository is mirrored. I use a single git push alias to mirror that command to all listed remotes. This add_git_remotes() function saves me the trouble of having to manually specify these for each new repository.

Pre-Commit Hooks

I use the precommit package to implement pre-commit hooks, including a personalised hook to ensure that the development version number has been incremented using the above increment_dev_version() function on each commit. This requires installing the pre-commit library, and the precommit R package. This repository then has both:

  1. A version of .pre-commit-config.yaml modified from the original version in
    the precommit R package, primarily through the addition of:
-   id: description version
    name: Version has been incremeneted in DESCRIPTION
    entry: inst/precommit/description
    language: script
  1. The corresponding inst/precommit/description file which checks first that
    DESCRIPTION has been modified, and secondly that the modification includes
    a change to "Version".

In practice, my description hook lives in a general location at ~/bin/precommit/description rather than within any particular repo, with the entry value reflecting this location.

Extracted from project README
R build status