
Parsing Expression Grammars for Rcpp

OTHER License


Parsing Expression Grammars in Rcpp

Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) are a way of defining formal grammars for formatted data that allow you to identify matched structures and then take actions on them. They're already used in R in the readr package, which is what makes readr so dang fast at type identification and parsing tabular data, but there's not historically been a standard way of defining and using them.

piton changes this, provides platform-independent PEG support in Rcpp. It wraps the PEGTL library by Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey, which is header-only and so can be imported into other packages.

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An example of PEGs is included in the package, and takes a comma-separated set of numbers and sums them together:


peg_sum("1,2,  5, 91, 34")
[1] 133

piton itself is not designed for straight-up useR use - instead, it's a developer package. If you're interested in implementing a PEG using it, you need to:

  1. Link piton into your package as a dependency, using //[[Rcpp::depends()]] (see this post for an example of how it works);
  2. #include <pegtl.hpp>
  3. Write and expose your grammar
  4. Done!

The PEGTL docs contain quite a bit of documentation on how the underlying library works, and various examples of PEGs are included within the package itself. Integration with Rcpp is pretty clean, although developers may benefit from not explicitly using the Rcpp namespace due to a couple of collisions with the PEGTL namespace.




And for the development version:
