
Tidy Geospatial Networks in R

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sfnetworks - Version 0.6.4 Latest Release

Published by loreabad6 6 months ago

New features


  • Code and documentation was updated where needed to align with changes in base R and/or package dependencies. No changes to program logic or behavior.
sfnetworks - Version 0.6.3

Published by luukvdmeer over 1 year ago

Bug fixes

  • Argument names of sfnetwork S3 methods for sf::st_geometry(), sf::st_bbox(), sf::st_m_range() and sf::st_set_precision() are updated to be consistent with their corresponding generic functions in sf.
  • Arguments active and ... are removed from the sfnetwork S3 method for sf::st_precision() to be consistent with its corresponding generic function in sf.


  • Argument active is removed from the sfnetwork S3 method for sf::st_crs() to be consistent with the above-mentioned change regarding sf::st_precision() (since both CRS and precision can not differ between nodes and edges).
sfnetworks - Version 0.6.2

Published by luukvdmeer over 1 year ago

Bug fixes

  • The to_spatial_contracted() morpher now correctly handles cases for undirected networks in which only loop edges are created after contraction. Refs #237.


  • The to_spatial_contracted() morpher now directly returns the original network when none of the contraction groups contain more than one node.


  • Umbrella packages tidyverse and spatstat are no longer suggested packages. Only individual members of these packages are now suggested packages.
  • Updated unit tests.
sfnetworks - Version 0.6.1

Published by luukvdmeer almost 2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Unit tests in test_join.R now successfully run also on R-devel.


  • Updated plot algorithm to be faster and more efficient. Refs #226.
sfnetworks - Version 0.6.0 "Coerde"

Published by luukvdmeer about 2 years ago

New features

  • Updates to to_spatial_smooth() morpher:
    • Argument summarise_attributes added to summarise attribute values of concatenated edges. Refs #120.
    • Argument require_equal added to specify if and which attributes should be checked for equality before removing a pseudo node. Refs #124.
    • Argument protect added to specify nodes that should never be removed, even if they are a pseudo node. Refs #177.
    • Concatenated edges after smoothing are now allowed to cross themselves. Refs #117.
  • Updates to st_network_cost():
    • Duplicated nodes are now accepted in the to argument. Refs #183.
    • Cost matrix output now contains units. Refs #119.
    • Argument direction added to specify if outbound, inbound or all edges should be considered. This replaces the argument mode from igraph::distances(). The default is "out", while before it was "all". For undirected networks this argument is ignored.
  • Edge measure function gained an argument degrees which can be set to TRUE to return angles in degrees instead of radians.
  • By default st_network_paths() now encodes nodes by their name, whenever a name attribute is present in the nodes table. This can be disabled by setting use_names = FALSE. Refs #154.
  • Functions sf::st_precision() and sf::st_set_precision() now have a method for sfnetwork objects, such that coordinate precision can be queried and set. Refs #209.
  • Functions sf::st_intersection() and sf::st_difference() now have a method for sfnetwork objects, such that networks can be spatially clipped. The method for sf::st_crop() now uses the same workflow. These functions do not work yet on edges of undirected networks. Refs #133.
  • Function sf::st_drop_geometry() is now a generic and therefore got an sfnetwork method.
  • Several other sf functions got an sfnetwork method, merely to be consistent in the type of functions we provide a method for. Only those functions that mutate the geometry column of an sf object in such a way that would break the valid spatial network structure are not supported.
  • Methods for sf::st_coordinates(), sf::st_bbox() and sf::st_crs() gained an active argument such that this information can be extracted from any network element without first activating it. Refs #215.

Bug fixes

  • Rd files do not contain code anymore that is incompatible with HTML5. Refs #221.
  • Print methods now return x invisibly. Refs #217.


  • Error messages when edge measure or query functions are applied to a network with active nodes, or when node measure or query functions are applied to a network with active edges, are now more informative. Refs #216.
  • Calculating straight-line distances of edges is now more performant. Refs #180.
  • Edge measure function edge_circuity() does not return units objects anymore, since circuity is unitless.


  • Vignettes updated to showcase new features.
  • Code of conduct updated according to newer template.
  • Contributing guidelines extended with templates for commit messages.
  • Master branch renamed to main, and protected from directed pushes.
sfnetworks - Version 0.5.5

Published by loreabad6 over 2 years ago

  • Adjusted the code used to check the version of PROJ on attach. In particular, the new approach tests only sf::sf_extSoftVersion()["proj.4"] since sf::sf_extSoftVersion()["PROJ"] might not be defined for sf < 1.0. Refs #198 and #200.
  • Adjusted one of the vignettes following the changes in dplyr 1.0.8. Ref #202. Thanks @romainfrancois.
  • Removed conflicting URL from package documentation spatial_edge_measures
sfnetworks - Version 0.5.4

Published by loreabad6 almost 3 years ago


  • A startup message is included to urge users of PROJ <= 6 to recreate the CRS for the Roxel dataset. Refs #190 and fixed with #193
  • Example using GraphML in vignette 1 has been removed provisionally to address #194
sfnetworks - Version 0.5.3

Published by luukvdmeer about 3 years ago


  • Addition of the n_active and n_inactive arguments to the print method of an sfnetwork object. The arguments define how many rows are printed for respectively the active and inactive network element. The values of these arguments can also be set globally by running e.g. options(sfn_max_print_active = 1, sfn_max_print_inactive = 2). Refs #157
  • The example dataset Roxel is updated to comply with recent updates on the way a CRS is specified in an sf object. Refs #167
  • GitHub Actions workflows are updated to comply with new developments.
  • Documentation updates:
    • Vignette file names are updated such that the appear in correct order on CRAN. Refs #162
    • Example section of the plot method for sfnetwork objects now includes an example of how to add graticules and axes. Refs #159
sfnetworks - Version 0.5.2

Published by luukvdmeer over 3 years ago


  • Compatibility with s2 by adding a s2::as_s2_geography() method for sfnetwork objects. In the new version of sf, the s2 package will be used for geometric operations involving longitude-latitude coordinates, see here.
  • Bug fixes:
    • When setting length_as_weight = TRUE in the sfnetwork construction function, the added weight column now preserves specification of units.
    • st_network_blend() now internally uses sf::st_cast() instead of sfheaders::sfc_cast() to avoid errors with some CRS specifications.
  • Documentation updates:
    • Extended documentation for the shortest paths functions.
    • Clear mention in vignettes that tidygraph behavior regarding the weight attribute settings is sometimes differing from igraph.
sfnetworks - Version 0.5.1

Published by luukvdmeer over 3 years ago


  • Compatibility with spatstat v2, which is now splitted into multiple sub-packages. See here for details. In sfnetworks, this affected the functions as_sfnetwork.linnet(), as_sfnetwork.psp() and as.linnet.sfnetwork(). Using this functions now requires spatstat >= 2.0.0 and sf >= 0.9.8.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Usage of match for checking coordinate equality is replaced by a new st_match function specifically designed for this task. This fixes bugs related to numeric approximations of detailed coordinates. See #130
  • Documentation updates:
    • It is now clearly documented that using sf::st_reverse() to reverse edge linestrings is only possible with GEOS versions >= 3.7.
sfnetworks - Version 0.5.0 "Nienberge"

Published by luukvdmeer over 3 years ago


  • Addition of a to_spatial_contracted() morpher, to contract groups of nodes based on given grouping variables. Refs #104
  • Addition of a to_spatial_neighborhood() morpher, to limit a network to the neighborhood of a given node, based on a given cost threshold. Refs #90
  • New implementation of st_network_blend(), which is faster and more reliable. The sort argument is deprecated, since the returned network is now always sorted.
  • Addition of an summarise_attributes argument to the to_spatial_simple() morpher, allowing to specify on a per-attribute basis how attribute values of merged multiple edges should be inferred from the original ones. Refs #113. The same argument is also part of the new to_spatial_contracted() morpher, where it can be used to specify on a per-attribute basis how attribute values of contracted groups of nodes should be inferred from the original ones.
  • The argument remove_parallels of the to_spatial_simple() morpher is renamed to remove_multiples to better fit naming conventions in igraph.
  • The argument store_orig_data of the to_spatial_smooth() morpher is renamed to store_original_data to be better interpretable. This argument is also added to the morphers to_spatial_simple() and to_spatial_contracted(), allowing to store original node or edge data in a .orig_data column, matching the design standards of tidygraph.
  • Addition of a Inf_as_NaN argument to st_network_cost(), to store cost values of paths between unconnected edges as NaN instead of Inf. The default value of this argument is FALSE. Refs #111
  • The default of the Inf_as_NaN argument in edge_circuity() is changed from TRUE to FALSE, to better fit with the change mentioned above, and to make sure no changes to R defaults are made without the user explicitly specifying them.
  • Whenever there are multiple matches when spatially joining information to the nodes of a network with sf::st_join(), only the information of the first match is now joined. Before, this used to throw an error. Refs #108
  • Removal of the morphed_sfnetwork method for sf::st_geometry<-, since geometries should not be replaced in a morphed state.
  • The warning '.. assumes attributes are constant over geometries' is now only raised when not all attribute-geometry relationships are set to 'constant'. Refs #123
  • Bug fixes:
    • The attribute-geometry relationships of edge attributes are now preserved during network construction. Fixes #123
    • st_network_blend() now correctly blends points that are very close to the network. Fixes #98
    • st_network_blend() now preserves the directedness of the input network. Fixes #127
    • st_network_blend() now runs even if the network contains edges of length 0. Fixes #125
    • The sfnetwork method for sf::st_crop() now correctly updates the nodes table after cropping the edges. Fixes #109
    • to_spatial_smooth() now returns the original network when no pseudo nodes are present. Fixes #112
    • to_spatial_subdivision() now returns the original network when there are no locations for subdivision.
    • to_spatial_subdivision() now returns correct node indices for undirected networks.
  • Several new examples and applications added to the vignettes.
sfnetworks - Version 0.4.1

Published by luukvdmeer almost 4 years ago


  • Addition of an edge measure function edge_azimuth(), to calculate the azimuth (i.e. bearing) of edges. Refs #107
  • Addition of a to_spatial_transformed() morpher, to temporarily transform a sfnetwork into a different CRS.
  • Addition of a sfnetwork methods for linnet objects, to enhance interoperability between sfnetwork and the spatstat package for spatial point patterns on linear networks.
  • Addition of an Inf_as_NaN argument to the edge_circuity function, to store circuity values of loop edges as NaN instead of Inf. The default value of this argument is TRUE.
  • Changes to st_network_paths():
    • Addition of a new argument type, which lets you set the type of paths calculation that should be performed.
    • To calculate all shortest paths between nodes, now set type = 'all_shortest' instead of all = TRUE. The latter argument is deprecated.
    • Besides shortest paths, there is now also the possibility to calculate all simple paths between nodes, by setting type = 'all_simple'. Be aware that computation time gets high when providing a lot of 'to' nodes, or when the network is large and dense. Refs #105
    • Whenever weights = NULL and there is no column named 'weight' in the edges table, geographic edge length will be calculated internally and used as weights in shortest path calculation. Before, paths would be calculated without edge weights in this case. Refs #106
    • Whenever the given 'from' and/or 'to' nodes contain NA values and/or empty point geometries, igraph behaviour is now replicated by throwing an error. Before, these values would simply be ignored.
  • Performance improvement of the to_spatial_smooth() morpher. As a result of this it does not store the original edge data anymore in a '.orig_data' column. Instead, non-merged edges keep their attributes, while merged edges loose their attributes. The '.orig_data' column can still be added by setting store_orig_data = TRUE, but this is not the default.
  • Bug fixes:
    • st_network_paths() now correctly handles cases where an unexisting column is passed to the weights argument, by throwing an error. Fixes #99
    • The sfnetwork method for sf::st_join() now correctly handles inner joins (i.e. joins where left = FALSE).
  • Addition of extra examples to the routing and spatial morphers vignettes.
  • Test coverage increased to +/- 86%.
sfnetworks - Version 0.4.0 "Hiltrup"

Published by luukvdmeer almost 4 years ago


  • Backward incompatible changes to existing functions:
    • Function st_shortest_paths() and st_all_shortest_paths() are now merged into a single function st_network_paths(). By default it call igraph::shortest_paths() internally. Setting all = TRUE will make it call igraph::all_shortest_paths() instead.
    • The output format of this st_network_paths() function is different from its predecessors. It returns a tibble instead of a list, to fit better in tidyverse workflows. See #77
    • The snap argument is removed from all shortest paths related functions, which will now always snap geospatial points provides as from or to locations to their nearest node on the network before calculating paths.
    • The keep argument is removed from the to_spatial_simple() morpher. It is now recommended to first sort data with dplyr::arrange() before calling the morpher.
    • The spatial morpher to_spatial_coordinates() is deprecated. Use the new node coordinate query functions instead.
    • The spatial morpher to_spatial_dense_graph() is deprecated. A new morpher to_spatial_subdivision(), with slightly different functionality, is added instead.
    • The spatial morpher to_spatial_implicit_edges() is deprecated. Use sf::st_set_geometry() instead, with activated edges and value NULL.
    • Functions st_network_distance(), edge_straight_length() and to_spatial_explicit_edges() are renamed to respectively st_network_cost(), edge_displacement() and to_spatial_explicit(), which either reflects their purpose better or fits better into the naming conventions within the package.
    • Function arguments that were named graph are renamed to x, to have more consistency across the package.
  • Backward compatible changes to existing functions:
    • The construction function sfnetwork() now has an argument length_as_weight that, if set to TRUE, will add the lengths of edges as a weight attribute to the edges data. Refs #65
    • There is now an as_sfnetwork() method for sfc objects. Refs #41
    • All existing st_network_* functions in sfnetwork are now generic, such that they can easily be modified by extensions of sfnetwork objects. Refs #80
    • The to_spatial_explicit_edges() morpher now accepts arguments that are forwarded directly to sf::st_as_sf(). Refs #83
    • Functions that split edges now give a warning that attributes are assumed to be constant. Refs #84
    • The edge_length() function can now also be applied to spatially implicit edges.
    • The sfnetwork methods for sf::st_as_sf(), sf::st_geometry() and sf::st_agr() now have an argument active to directly retrieve information from a network element without activating it. Use as st_as_sf(x, active = "nodes"), et cetera.
    • Character encoded node names can now be provided as from and to locations to the shortest path functions.
  • New functions:
    • The new function st_network_blend() implements a process that we called 'blending points into a network'. The functions accepts a network and a set of points. For each point p in the set of given points, it finds the projection p* of p on the network, splits the edges of the network at the location of p*, and finally adds p* along with the attributes of p as a node to the network. Refs #27 and #54
    • The new function st_network_join() does a network specific join of two sfnetworks. It combines a spatial full join on the nodes data with a bind_rows operation on the edges data, and updates the from and to indices of the edges accordingly. Refs #22
    • The new function st_network_bbox() calculates the bounding box of the whole network by combining the bounding boxes of nodes and edges.
    • The new spatial morpher to_spatial_subdivision() subdivides edges at locations where an interior point is shared with either another interior point or endpoint of another edge. Refs #73
    • The new spatial morpher to_spatial_smooth() iteratively removes pseudo-nodes from the network. Refs #70
    • Several spatial predicate functions are implemented as node and edge query functions, to interpret spatial relations between network elements and other geospatial features directly inside tidy filter and mutate calls. Refs #60
    • Node coordinate query functions node_X(), node_Y(), node_Z() and node_M() are implemented to query specific coordinate values from the nodes.
    • There is now an ggplot2::autoplot() method for sfnetworks, allowing to easily plot a sfnetwork as a ggplot2 object. Refs #86
    • There is now a print method for morphed sfnetworks. Refs #88
    • There are now morphed sfnetworks method for sf::st_geometry<-(), sf::st_join(), sf::st_filter() and sf::st_crop(). Refs #85
  • Bug fixes:
    • Networks can now be constructed by only providing nodes, and no edges. Fixes #81
    • The print method for sfnetwork objects now correctly handles networks without edges as well as completely empty networks. Fixes #69 and #89
    • The shortest path functions now correctly handle empty geometries. Fixes #87
  • Documentation improvements:
    • Examples are added to the function documentations. Refs #45
    • The existing vignettes are reorganized, and combined with a lot of new information into five new vignettes. Refs #92
  • Together with the documentation improvements, several new units tests brought the test coverage to +/- 80%.
  • The internal code base is completely restructured, such that it is more performant and easier to read, debug and extend.
sfnetworks - Version 0.3.1

Published by luukvdmeer over 4 years ago


  • Bug fixes:
    • as_sfnetwork now handles circular linestrings. Fixes #59
  • Addition of a "node_key" argument to the construction functions, in line with the recent update of tidygraph. Refs #53
  • Better integration with Z and M coordinates by adding them as coordinate columns when calling spatial morpher to_spatial_coordinates. Refs #62
  • Improved pkgdown structure. Refs #44
  • First implementation of continuous benchmarking. Refs #6
sfnetworks - Version 0.3.0 "Gievenbeck"

Published by luukvdmeer over 4 years ago


  • Several spatial network extensions for the tidygraph and sf functionalities:
    • Spatial wrappers around igraph shortest paths functions. Refs #28
    • Various spatial morpher functions. Refs #19
    • Various edge measure algorithms, including edge circuity. Refs #51
  • More methods for as_sfnetwork. Refs #41
  • Preserving sf attributes for nodes and edges inside the sfnetwork object. Refs #24
  • Structural and performance improvements of the code base. This includes:
    • Construction checks are run only when needed, adding a force argument to skip validity tests.
    • Allowing to choose between spatially explicit and implicit edges during construction, adding an edges_as_lines argument. Refs #47
    • Using st_boundary to find line endpoints increases performance for sfnetwork construction from sf objects. Refs #30
    • Cleaning up sf methods for sfnetwork objects.
    • Relying on internally stored attributes rather than first extracting sf objects.
    • Option to plot without making edges explicit.
  • Improved function documentation.
  • An additional vignette.
sfnetworks - Version 0.2.0 "Neutor"

Published by luukvdmeer over 4 years ago

The first version of the new sfnetworks package. See the introductory vignette for an overview of the functionalities.

sfnetworks - Initial sfnetworks package

Published by luukvdmeer over 4 years ago

The sfnetworks package was originally created as a homework project for an R course. This release is the result of that project.