
Sample the Twitter Graph and Cache It Locally

OTHER License


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twittercache facilitates robust sampling of the Twitter graph. The basic idea is to save any data into a local cache as you as you get it. twittercache is build on top of socialsampler and rtweet.

Please see the socialsampler documentation for information on how to register Twitter tokens.


You can install the development version of twittercache with:


Inspect the current twittercache



What kind of data can I cache?

  • edges
  • nodes
  • you can get information on nodes without getting information on edges

rtweet replacements

  • Use cache_lookup_users() instead of lookup_users()
  • Use cache_get_friends() instead of get_friends()
  • Use cache_get_followers() instead of get_followers()

Get the cached data

  • Use get_node_table() and get_edge_table()

Frequently asked questions

How do you manage the API rate limits?

Currently we just sample one node a minute. This complies with the Twitter API rate limits, but only if you don't use the registered tokens for anything else while sampling.

Where is the cache itself?

It's at ~/.twittergraph/.

What about users with big follower counts? Do you sample all the followers?

No. We only sample up to 5,000 friends and 5,000 followers. This is mostly because I'm lazy and also it's wasteful to spend API calls on someone with tons of followers.

Recall that you can pick up an edge in the network from either node. We recommend trying to make sure the node with smaller degree is in your sample.

What happens when I try to sample protected users?

We remove these users from the sample at export time.


Please note that the twittercache project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct.

By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.