
Advanced workshop on XGBoost with Tianqi Chen in Santa Monica, June 2, 2016


Advanced workshop on XGBoost

Tianqi Chen will be in Santa Monica, June 2, 2016 and besides a meetup talk in the evening (already sold out, sorry) I'm also organizing an advanced workshop in the afternoon (3:00-6:00pm) to do more advanced stuff. There will be only 10 spots for the workshop and you'll have to apply by filling out this form (Update: workshop is full.).

The workshop will be a mix of Tianqi talking about more advanced stuff and participants interacting, asking questions etc. (partly hands-on, bring your laptop and your specific questions/problems/datasets). We can use this github repo (issues, PR) for setting up questions/problems/topics etc. to be discussed in the workshop, feel free to participate.


  • 3:00-3:15 Arrival
  • 3:15-3:30 Networking, Intro
  • 3:30-4:30 Session 1
  • 4:30-4:45 Break (coffee/cookies)
  • 4:45-5:45 Session 2
  • 5:45-6:15 Networking

Location disclosed only to the selected participants.

If you have been selected for the workshop, then before coming, read the xgboost paper on arxiv, check out the suggested topics in the GH issues and take a look at some sample code in this repo.

If you have a ticket to the evening meetup at Red Bull, the schedule is:

  • 7:00pm arrival, food/drinks and networking
  • 8:00 introductions, main talk
  • 9:30 after party: more networking, drinks, games, demos etc
  • 11:30 closing

All meetup info (location, parking etc.) here.