My old personal website



This is the code that powers my website!


This repo contains the following components:

  • Database models which can be used both internally and externally.
  • The public website, including an admin interface used for essential configuration.

Install the backend

Install the following services and configure them to run on their default ports:

  • Ruby 2.7.3.
    • Windows: Ruby Installer is
      recommended. Default options will suffice.
    • OS X: RVM is recommended over the default OS X Ruby.
      Here's a one-liner: \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby.
  • MySQL 10 or later.
  • NodeJS.
  • Yarn

Ensure bundler is installed: gem install bundle. Run bundle install to download and install dependencies.

Setup the database

Start MySQL on its default port. Then, run the following shell command from the repo:

rake db:setup

Run the backend app

Run the following shell commands from the repo to start all the backend services:

rails bgm              # Public website on http://localhost:3000

At this point, you should be able to visit the website at http://localhost:3000.


My website's codebase is completely open source, and is licenced under the MIT licence. Contributions are highly appreciated! You may leave a star too!