
Fullstack bill processing app-- enables various account types to collaborate on bill actions before it is sent to a customer. Rails, PostgreSQL, React/Redux



BillProcess is a full-stack app that lets different internal stakeholders efficiently process monthly customer bills. It is built with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and React/Redux.

Live demo found here!

Alternatively, to run this app locally:

  • git clone
  • bundle install
  • npm install
  • rails db:setup
  • rails s
  • Visit localhost:3000/#/welcome in your browser!


  • Complete user authentication with BCrypt gem.
  • Multiple Account types (Finance, Customer Success, Sales) allow for specialized permissions and views.
    • Finance users can generate bills and sent them to customers.
    • CustomerSuccess and Sales can approve and reject bills.
  • Bill tracks the history of actions on it, allowing for documentation and reversibility.

Database Schema

Users (stakeholders)

column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
name string not null, indexed, unique
email string
role string not null
password_digest string not null
session_token string not null, indexed, unique

Implemented Roles: "Finance", "Customer Success", "Sales"


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
csm_id integer foreign key (references users), indexed
name string
billing_address string
billing_email string
monthly_api_limit integer
overage_unit_cost float
start_date date
end_date date
require_csm_approval boolean


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
customer_id integer not null, foreign key (references customers), indexed
month integer
year integer
api_usage integer


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
customer_id integer not null, foreign key (references customers), indexed
month integer
year integer
overage_units integer
overage_unit_cost integer
overage_amount integer
status string
created_at datetime
updated_at datetime

A bill's overage_unit cost by default will be a customer's overage_unit_cost, but could be altered for flexibility. Therefore, overage_unit_cost is stored in two models.

Bill Actions

column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
bill_id integer not null, foreign key (references bills), indexed
stakeholder_id integer not null, foreign key (references users), indexed
action string
comment string
created_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null



  • GET / - loads React web app



  • GET /api/users/:userId
  • POST /api/users


  • POST /api/session
  • DELETE /api/session


  • GET /api/customers
  • GET /api/customers/:customerId


  • GET /api/usage
    (Pass customerId, etc as parameters. Not using this route on frontend currently.)


  • GET /api/bills
  • GET /api/bills/:billId
  • POST /api/bills/
  • PATCH /api/bills/:id/approve
  • PATCH /api/bills/:id/reject

Creating or updating a bill create BillActions which log the activity.

Frontend Routes

  • /welcome - Login and Signup Page
  • /dashboard - Main Dashboard with Overage Bill Index
  • /bills/:id - Bill Show Page
  • /customers - Customer Index
  • /customers/:id - Customer Show Page with Usage

Future Implementation

  • Error handling tied to thunk actions
  • Testing

Note: Currently an assumption is that either Sales or CustomerSuccess can approve a bill. Future implementation will ensure that a bill passes through a 2-step approval system if it needs to.
