
web-based user interface to terraforming the public cloud

GPL-3.0 License



web-based user interface to terraforming the public cloud


Requirements are based on supported versions from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1.

  • ruby 2.5.5
  • rails 5.1.7
  • puma 3.11.0
  • sqlite3
  • terraform 0.13.4
  • any dependencies of your terraform scripts (e.g. kubectl, helm, etc.)


The Ruby project uses rvm to manage a virtual environment for development.

  1. Clone this project

  2. RVM will prompt you to install the required ruby version, if necessary, when entering the project directory.

  3. Install dependencies

    gem install bundler

    If you have trouble with nokogiri, make sure you have development versions of libxml2 & libxslt installed. Install also sqlite-devel. On (open)SUSE:

    sudo zypper in libxml2-devel libxslt-devel sqlite3-devel
  4. If you need to use a path other than ./vendor/ for customization, create a dotenv file (e.g. .env.development) that defines:

    • The path to the customization JSON:
      BLUE_HORIZON_CUSTOMIZER = "./vendor/customization.yml"
    • The path where terraform sources will be imported from:
      TERRAFORM_SOURCES_PATH = "./vendor/sources"
  5. Place original terraform scripts in /vendor/sources (or your custom TERRAFORM_SOURCES_PATH)

    💡 Need a simple script for development? Try this gist.

  6. Initialize a development database

    rails db:setup
  7. Start a development server on http://localhost:3000

    rails server -b localhost -p 3000

Before submitting a change, please be sure it passes all existing tests and conforms with our coding style:


Please be sure to include a screenshot with any view or style changes.

⚠ NOTE: ES6 is not currently usable with this application; please write any JS/ES conforming to ES2015.


blue-horizon is pointless, without a set of terraform scripts to work from, and those scripts represent a "target application", which blue-horizon can adapt to support. The vendor path is used by default to host content about the target application.

Terraform sources

⚠ In order for terraform sources to work within blue-horizon, all customization must happen through terraform variables. Source files must not require editing.

.tf, .tmpl, .sh, .yaml/.yml, and .json files can be placed in vendor/sources, and loaded via rails db:setup.

NOTE: The content of those files will be stored in the database, and may be edited by the application user. When terraform runs, it will run on exported content from the database, so it may not be identical to what was initially provided in vendor/sources.

Variables must be defined in terraform JSON format, and named variable*.tf.json. Here some additional tips to customize your variables options:

  • Variables will be required unless the description includes the word "optional".
  • Variables with "password" word in the description will be configured as password inputs hiding the content. This keyword value can be changed in the en.yml configuration file changing password_key entry.
  • Variables with options=[option1,option2] content in the description will create a multi option input. Options are comma-separated, but may include any other punctuation, or spaces. The keyword value can be changed in the en.yml configuration file changing options_key entry.
  • Variables with [group:some_group_name] will be grouped together (but still listed as ordered in the variables file). The group name will be pulled form I18N configuration, or otherwise titleized. (e.g. [group:important_things] will render as 'Important Things')
  • Variables with [pattern:/my expression/] will have a client side validation to check if the input string is valid.
  • Variables with [extra_information:my variable information] will have the provided content in the input title attribute, which creates a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element. This option combines together with the pattern option to display the error message if the pattern validation fails.
  • Variables of type string with a name ending in _file (e.g. key_file) will be presented as a file upload form field. The file contents will be appended to sources, and written back to disk with the full terraform source set. The file name will be stored in the variable. Inside terraform scripts the file can be accessed via file(var.key_file).
  • Variable descriptions may include a comment that is not displayed. Any content contained in an HTML comment block <!-- like this --> will not be included in the UI, but will be parsed for other customization flags.
  • Variable descriptions will be rendered as inline markdown in the UI.

Special variables

The following variables will not be displayed on the variable entry form, but will be populated via other application interfaces:

  • instance_type: the virtual machine type to be used when starting cloud instances; this will be populated from the Size Cluster page.
  • instance_count: the number of virtual machines to be deployed; this will be populate from the Size Cluster page.
  • region: the cloud provider's region where services will be established. If blue-horizon is run in a cloud environment; the location will be autodetected via Instance Meta Data Services (IMDS).
    End users should be notified that the application needs to run in the same region where it will be deployed.
  • k8s_version: the highest available kubernetes version available in the current region of the current cloud provider will be automatically selected.
    The external script get-framework-k8s-api-version must be installed and executable within the $PATH.

To use a different path, set the environment variable TERRAFORM_SOURCES_PATH before seeding the database.

String customization/localization

.yml and .rb files can be placed in vendor/locales, and will be loaded automatically.

See the Rails Internationalization Guide for advice on formatting.

See config/locales/custom-en.yml for a sample/template with keys defined.

To use a different path, set the environment variable BLUE_HORIZON_LOCALIZERS with the directory where custom internationalization files are stored.


The internationalization content description and next_steps, shown on the first and last pages, respectively, allow markdown content. It is recommended for readability and maintenance, to define these as multiline YAML. The following special features are supported:

  • inline HTML: in the event that markdown is insufficient for content, raw HTML may be defined. Please be sure to parse any inline HTML as valid with an external parser.

  • images: images may be included using the standard markdown format. Image files should be placed in vendor/assets/images and referred to in mardown with the path /vendor/NAME_OF_IMAGE. For example, given an image stored as vendor/assets/images/design.png, the markdown syntax to include it is:


    Images included in markdown will not be versioned by the Rails asset pipeline, so be aware of possible caching issues.

Please see for more markdown examples.

Including terraform output in Next steps

The next_steps content, presented on the last page after deployment, can include terraform outputs. Put a placeholder in the content in the format %{OUTPUT_NAME}.

For example, if your terraform scripts include:

output "greeting" {
    value = "Hello, World."

... and your next_steps translation includes:


It would render as:

Hello, World.

Application customization

vendor/customization.json defines configuration keys that can be modified to alter the behavior of the application.

See config/initializers/customization.rb for an explanation of the available keys and options.

To use a different path, set the environment variable BLUE_HORIZON_CUSTOMIZER with the full path of the customization JSON file to load.


vendor/assets/stylesheets/custom.scss can be added to provide custom styles (CSS, SCSS) to the application.

💡 SCSS is a supercet of CSS, so valid CSS is valid SCSS.

View overrides

Any view or partial view (see app/views) can be overridden with an application-specific view. Set the configuration option "override_views": true, then copy the original to vendor/views, (e.g. app/views/plans/_plan.haml to vendor/views/plans/_plan.haml) and make your customizations in the copy.

View helpers

Any custom helper methods required by custom views should be defined as methods of the CustomHelpers module, in the file vendor/lib/custom_helpers.rb. If this file is present, the helpers will be loaded and available to the view rendering pipeline.

Please be careful of naming conflicts, as all helpers are effectively in the same namespace.

Top menu items

A a group of custom top-menu links can be added to application views. If the links use terraform outputs, they will only be enabled on the /wrapup (Next steps) page. Links may open in the same browser context, or request a new tab/window.

The following example custom configuration will provide a static link that opens in a new tab, as well as an output-driven link that will only be enabled on next steps:

"top_menu_items": [
        "key": "more-info",
        "url": "",
        "target_new_window": true
        "key": "monitor",
        "url": "%{monitoring_url}"

The "key" must match a translation value in the menu scope (e.g. menu.more-info, menu.monitor). Some common values are provided for convenience, but may be overriden or extended via localization.

"target_new_window" only needs to be set if the value is true; false is otherwise assumed.

A "Deploy" menu entry will be set, first, if any custom menu items are included.


blue-horizon includes supporting tools and documents to build on an open build service (OBS) instance, such as

New dependencies

  1. When updating dependencies, add a categorized entry with a comment, in Gemfile.development. If the dependency is required in production, add the gemfile entry only, alphabetically, in Gemfile.production.

  2. Run rails gems:rpmspec:requires and update the specfile (packaging/blue-horizon.spec) with the new dependency set.


bumpversion is used to tag releases.

bumpversion [major|minor|patch]

Generating a tarball

  1. In order to produce a production-ready tarball, assets need to be precompiled, then the tarball built:
RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:clobber assets:precompile obs:tar
  1. Copy the specfile and move the tarball to an OBS project dir
cp packaging/* path/of/your/project/


Copyright © 2019 SUSE LLC. Distributed under the terms of GPL-3.0+ license, see LICENSE for details.