
A Danger plugin for running Ruby files through Brakeman.

MIT License


Danger Brakeman Plugin CircleCI Gem Version

A Danger plugin for Brakeman security static analysis.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "danger-brakeman_scanner"


Run Ruby files through Brakeman. A markdown table will be shown as result.


You can pass a list of options as well, thoses will be given as-is to brakeman scanner.

brakeman.run(app_path: "my_app_path", github_repo: "klaxit/fast-polylines")

The list of all options is available below, but not that some of those won't make sense here:

  • :app_path - path to root of Rails app (required)
  • :additional_checks_path - array of additional directories containing additional out-of-tree checks to run
  • :additional_libs_path - array of additional application relative lib directories (ex. app/mailers) to process
  • :assume_all_routes - assume all methods are routes (default: true)
  • :check_arguments - check arguments of methods (default: true)
  • :collapse_mass_assignment - report unprotected models in single warning (default: false)
  • :combine_locations - combine warning locations (default: true)
  • :config_file - configuration file
  • :escape_html - escape HTML by default (automatic)
  • :exit_on_error - only affects Commandline module (default: true)
  • :exit_on_warn - only affects Commandline module (default: true)
  • :github_repo - github repo to use for file links (user/repo[/path][@ref])
  • :highlight_user_input - highlight user input in reported warnings (default: true)
  • :html_style - path to CSS file
  • :ignore_model_output - consider models safe (default: false)
  • :index_libs - add libraries to call index (default: true)
  • :interprocedural - limited interprocedural processing of method calls (default: false)
  • :message_limit - limit length of messages
  • :min_confidence - minimum confidence (0-2, 0 is highest)
  • :output_files - files for output
  • :output_formats - formats for output (:to_s, :to_tabs, :to_csv, :to_html)
  • :parallel_checks - run checks in parallel (default: true)
  • :parser_timeout - set timeout for parsing an individual file (default: 10 seconds)
  • :print_report - if no output file specified, print to stdout (default: false)
  • :quiet - suppress most messages (default: true)
  • :rails3 - force Rails 3 mode (automatic)
  • :rails4 - force Rails 4 mode (automatic)
  • :rails5 - force Rails 5 mode (automatic)
  • :rails6 - force Rails 6 mode (automatic)
  • :report_routes - show found routes on controllers (default: false)
  • :run_checks - array of checks to run (run all if not specified)
  • :safe_methods - array of methods to consider safe
  • :skip_libs - do not process lib/ directory (default: false)
  • :skip_checks - checks not to run (run all if not specified)
  • :absolute_paths - show absolute path of each file (default: false)
  • :summary_only - only output summary section of report for plain/table (:summary_only, :no_summary, true)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run make to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/klaxit/danger-brakeman_scanner. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Danger::Brakeman project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.