
e-commerce platform - We an add items to a shopping cart, create authors, publishers and books.

MIT License


E-Commerce App

Features implemented

  • Implement the about user story
  • Author Management
    • Unit testing
    • Functional Testing
    • Integration Testing
  • Book Inventory Management
    • Implmenting the Publisher Administration Interface
    • Implementing the Book Administration Interface
  • Book Catalog Browsing
    • Implementing the Book Catalog Interface
    • Creating an RSS Feed
  • Shopping Cart Implementation
    • Implementing the user stories
    • Use Ajax request to add book to the cart
  • Drag and Drop
    • Be able to add a book to the cart by dragging it
  • Forum Implementation
    • I use Discourse open source to link Dream Library app to a forum.

Built With

  • Major languages: Ruby
  • Frameworks: Rails
  • Databases: PostgreSQL
  • Tested: miniTest
  • Search Engine: pg search
  • Linters: Rubocop
  • Hotwire(Turbo and Stimulus)
  • Discourse
  • Note: I use Discorse locally using a URL as localhost:3001 for the Library app and a localhost:4200 for Discourse. In order to make it work I run Redis and Discourse in my terminal.

Live Demo

Under Construction

Date of current video 22/02/2023

Full screen to better quality


With Discourse implemented.


Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


run 'bundle install', 'yarn install' or 'npm install'

Create Database

run 'rails db:create', 'rails db:migrate', rails db:setup or rails db:seed

Run Server

run 'rails server' or a shortcut 'rails s' if you are using stimulus run 'bin/dev'

Run tests

Type 'rails test' in the console to run all testsOrType 'ruby test/../..' to a specific test

For forum usage

*In this case we are running our main app in port 3001 in order to let discourse use the port 3000

In your terminal:

In a separate terminal instance run redis


In a separate terminal instance, navigate to your discourse folder (cd ~/discourse) and run:


In a separate terminal instance, navigate to your discourse folder (cd ~/discourse) and run:

rails server


👤 Christian Erick Contreras

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Microverse

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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