
Automagically include your flash messages in your Ruby on Rails Hotwire TurboStream responses.

MIT License



For the sake of your application, consider using HotFlash instead.


Automagically include your flash messages in your Ruby on Rails TurboStream responses.


By default, TurboFlash will inherit all flashes that you normally set. This can be turned off with the inherit_flashes configuration flag.

To explicitly set flashes, TurboFlash exposes a flash.turbo method that's similar to flash:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def update
    @user = current_user
    unless @user.valid_password?(user_params[:current_password])
      @user.errors.add(:current_password, "is invalid.")
      return respond_to do |f|
        f.html do 
          flash.now[:notice] = "There was an error."
          render :show
        f.turbo_stream do
          flash.turbo[:notice] = "There was an error."
          render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.replace(@user, partial: 'form')
    # ... 
  def user_params
    params.require(:user).permit(:current_password, :password, :password_confirmation)

Of course, the response will be what you expect:

turbo_stream.replace(@user, partial: 'form')

TurboFlash will also automatically inject the following into your Turbo response:

turbo_stream.update("flash", partial: "shared/flash", locals: { role: :notice, message: "There was an error." })

If you want to get more granular, use flash.turbo#set_options:

flash.turbo.set_options(action: :append)[:notice] = "This will be appended."

You could even:

flash.turbo.set_options(action: :append, partial: "layouts/_cool_awesome_flash")[:error] = "This will be appended from the partial cool_awesome_flash with an error role."

The defaults are customizable and shown below.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'turbo_flash'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Create a partial of shared/_flash.html.erb:

<div class="flash flash-<%= local_assigns[:role] %>">
  <%= local_assigns[:message] %>

Ensure that the TurboStream target — a tag with an id of flash exists in your layout:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
    <%= csp_meta_tag %>

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', data: { turbo_track: :reload } %>
    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', data: { turbo_track: :reload } %>

    <div id="flash">
      <% flash.each do |role, message| %>
        <%= render(partial: 'shared/flash', locals: { role: role, message: message }) %>
      <% end %>
    <%= yield %>

Turbo frames (instead of *.turbo_stream.erb)

When using Turbo Frames, while the controller response will be injected with the relevant turbo_stream tags, Turbo will only render the matching Turbo Frame content, and ignore the turbo_streams. To get around this, you can utilize the turbo layout turbo_rails/frame.html.erb and use turbo_stream_from to send the updates back to the browser. For example:

# app/views/layouts/turbo_rails/frame.html.erb
    <%= yield :head %>
    <% flash.turbo.flashes.each do |role, message| %>
      <%= Turbo::StreamsChannel.broadcast_prepend_to current_user, :alerts, target: "alerts",
      partial: 'shared/flash', locals: { role:, message: } %> <%# customize this based on your project %>
    <% end %>
    <%= yield %>


In an initializer (defaults are shown):

TurboFlash.configure do |config|
  # make all flashes TurboFlash-flashes
  # config.inherit_flashes = true 
  # clear the TurboFlash target if there are no flashes in a TurboStream response
  # config.clear_target_unless_flashed = true 
  # the default TurboStream target element ID
  # config.target = "flash"
  # the default TurboStream action
  # config.action = :update 
  # the default TurboStream partial
  # config.partial = 'shared/flash'
  # the default flash key variable name
  # config.key = :role 
  # the default flash message variable name
  # config.value = :message 


If TurboFlash.configuration.inherit_flashes is false, and you want to copy over the regular flashes, you can invoke flash.turbo!(options = {}) to copy over the flashes that are currently stored in the session.

If TurboFlash.configuration.clear_target_unless_flashed is false, and you would like to clear flashes in the TurboStream response, you can invoke flash.turbo.clear_target! to clear the TurboStream target if there are no flashes.

If you want to clear all potential TurboFlashes, call flash.turbo.clear!


There wasn't much thought put into this, but it works for me, so it might work for you!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.