
A minimal Rails application for tracking expenses, featuring sorting and pagination functionalities. Developed using Docker for containerization.


Table of Contents


Money Spent Counter a minimal expenses tracking application using Ruby on Rails framework. Deployed to Heroku and available online.


In the application you can:

  • Register to app or login
  • Create new invoice with title, description, category and amount
  • Show all user invoices paginated by 10 pear page and sorting option
  • Ability to copy invoice link and send them to another user
  • Handle all errors like not found to default 404 page

Getting started


The setups steps expect following tools installed on the system.

1. Check out the repository
git clone
cd money_spent_counter
Using Docker
docker compose up
docker compose run web rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
2. Create and setup the database, bundle and yarn

Run the following commands to create and setup the database, and application libraries.

rails db:create
rails db:setup
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed # for create some default data

bundle install

yarn install
3. Start the Rails server

You can start the rails server using the command given below.

rails s

And now you can visit the site with the URL http://localhost:3000

4. Running specs tests

You can run all 60 tests(coverage 88.17%) using the command given below.

$ rails generate rspec:install  # first setup rspec gem
$ rspec spec

# Default: Run all spec files (i.e., those matching spec/**/*_spec.rb)
$ rspec

# Run all spec files in a single directory (recursively)
$ rspec spec/models

# Run a single spec file
$ rspec spec/requests/invoices_request_spec.rb

# Run a single example from a spec file (by line number)
$ rspec spec/requests/invoices_request_spec.rb:43

# See all options for running specs
$ rspec --help

# another useful commands
$ rails g rspec:controller users # generate new test for controller  
$ rails g rspec:model user # generate new test for model
5. Deployment to Heroku instructions

heroku login - login to your profile heroku create money-spent-counter - create new heroku app with specific name heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs - because of yarn lib you need use Multiple Buildpacks git push heroku main - push you project to Heroku server heroku run rake db:migrate - run migration on Heroku server heroku pg:reset - drop database on Heroku server heroku open - open and test your website


Feel free to send me feedback on Twitter or file an issue. Feature requests are always welcome.

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