
Implementation of an event management application with Rails. Users can create events and manage user registrations for these events.


Project Name: Private Events


To put in practice the main concepts of Associations in rails through an app similar to Eventbrite


The front end ( http://localhost:3000/ ) displays the list of all events, categorized by upcoming and past ones. Only signed-in users can register to events. Links in the nav bar lets users Join, Sign In, view Popular Events and Logout if signed in. When Signed in, a user can access private pages via Create Event and My Events links. Every signed-in user can invite other users to an event. Only upcoming events show the option to invite users. After an event is successfully created, the user gets redirected to the event's show page. When viewing an event, the user can see a list of all the attendees.


  • Ruby 3.0.
  • Rails 6.1.3
  • SQLite3
  • Node.js
  • Yarn

Getting Started & Troubleshooting

  • Open your terminal - Windows: Win + R, then type cmd | Mac: Command + space, then type Terminal
  • Navigate to a directory of your choosing using the cd command
  • Run this command in your OS terminal: git clone [email protected]:george-swift/private-events.git to get a copy of the project.
  • Navigate to the project's directory using the cd command
  • Migrate the database to your environment using: rails db:migrate
  • Run rails webpacker:install to configure Webpacker for your environment. Otherwise, an error like so Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryError will appear if you attempt to run the server.
  • The Rails asset pipeline works in parallel with Webpack and Yarn, and you need both jQuery and Bootstrap’s JavaScript library installed for the app to work. To begin execute yarn add [email protected] [email protected].
  • Next, to make jQuery available in your application, you need to edit Webpack’s environment file. Navigate to config/webpack/environment.js and include the following snippet below the first line:
  const webpack = require('webpack')
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      $: 'jquery',
      jQuery: 'jquery',
      Popper: ['popper.js', 'default']

  • Then install dependencies by running bundle install in the terminal
  • Finally, run the test suite to verify that everything is working correctly: rails test
  • If the test suite passes, you are ready to run the app in a local server. Execute rails s to fire up the server
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to get into the app
  • Users can interact with the app using the links in the nav bar. To access private pages, sign up by clicking the Join link
  • To terminate the server, enter Ctrl + C in your terminal


👤   Miguel Ricardo Gomez

👤   Ubong George


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Available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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