
Development environment for Ruby on Rails based on Vagrant, VirtualBox and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus).

MIT License


Zen Rails Development Environment


Development environment for Ruby on Rails based on Vagrant, VirtualBox and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus).

The Vagrant provisioning scripts do the following:

  • Set the VM locale and time zone.
  • Configure the VM for SSH access with a custom SSH key.
  • Use RVM to install any version of Ruby and Rails in the VM.
  • Install PostgreSQL, configure it to listen on, create a new user
    called ubuntu with password localdbpass and grant it CREATEDB permissions.
  • Install MySQL, configure it to listen on and set the password of
    the root user to localdbpass.
  • Install Yarn, Rails' official Frontend package manager as of Rails 5.1.
  • Install and configure Git at the VM.
  • Install Elastic Beanstalk CLI at the VM.
  • Install Heroku CLI at the VM.
  • Install Selenium Webdriver,
    ChromeDriver, and
    Xvfb. These
    allow the execution of JavaScript-enabled tests on Minitest or RSpec (with
    Capybara) using headless Google

Other scripts run at shell startup to set environment variables and Bash shortcuts (aliases and functions).


  1. Install the latest version of Vagrant and VirtualBox on the host machine.

  2. Choose a directory for your VirtualBox shared folder (in the host machine). Download this repository and unzip it inside the chosen directory.

  3. Create an SSH key pair, name the files id_rsa (private key), id_rsa.pub (public key), and place them in the vm_provisioning directory.

  4. Edit the Vagrantfile in order to customize the values of the variables located in the "User Configurations" section.

  5. Optional: If you require any custom environment variables to be available at the guest VM, create a file named environment_variables.sh within the vm_provisioning directory and set your environment vars using the standard bash syntax: one export VAR_NAME='var value' declaration per line. Those vars will be loaded automatically every time the VM boots. That is a good place to store your API keys and other secrets.

  6. Optional: If you wish to use any custom bash aliases or functions, add them to bash_shortcuts.sh

  7. Optional: If you intend to use Selenium and Chrome headless with Capybara and RSpec, add the following to spec/rails_helper.rb:

    require 'selenium-webdriver'
    Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|
      options = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new
      # The window size is important for screenshots
      options.add_argument "--window-size=1366,768"
      Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome.driver_path = "/usr/local/bin/chromedriver"
                                     browser: :chrome, 
                                     options: options)

Files and their purposes

File Contents and/or purpose Executed at Called by
bash_shortcuts.sh Custom bash aliases and function definitions. "Login" (shell startup) Symlink at /etc/profile.d
environment_variables.sh Custom environment variable definitions. You may store your API keys and other secrets here, as long as you keep this file outside any Git repositories. "Login" (shell startup) Symlink at /etc/profile.d
boot.sh Custom startup commands. These commands were not inserted in rc.local because: a) we prefer Bash over Bourne Shell; b) the -e flag used in rc.local's shebang line causes undesired behavior. VM boot /etc/rc.local
custom_rc_local.sh Custom rc.local. Waits for the Vagrant shared folder to be mounted and executes the custom boot script (boot.sh). VM boot Installed by provision.sh
provision.sh Installs and configures everything in the VM, except Ruby and Rails. VM provisioning Vagrantfile
install_ruby.sh Installs Ruby and Rails in the VM at the end of provisioning. VM provisioning Vagrantfile
Vagrantfile General configurations. Set up the VirtualBox VM and the provisioning process. vagrant up, halt, etc the user


cd to the directory where the Vagrantfile is (in the host machine) and run:

  • vagrant up to start the VM;
  • vagrant ssh to access the VM via SSH;
  • vagrant halt to turn off the VM;

You can also access the VM via SSH by connecting to port 2222 of the host machine with your favorite SSH client, using the private key specified in the ssh_private_key variable of the Vagrantfile.


All shortcuts except jcurl only work when executed within a Rails app directory.

rs rails s -b rc rails console

br bin/rspec. Use within the Rails application folder to run RSpec with Spring. brfd bin/rspec --format documentation

tdl tail -f development log ttl tail -f test log ctl clear test log cdl clear development log

jcurl runs curl -s and pretty prints JSON output with the awesome_print gem. Takes a URL as an argument.

bi Run bundle install in multiple parallel threads (faster).

gpl git pull ga git add gc git commit. Takes a commit message as an argument. gp git push. Takes a remote name and a branch name as optional arguments (e.g., origin master) gs git status gl git log


Bug reports

Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs.


  1. Create an issue and describe your idea
  2. Fork it
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  5. Publish the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a Pull Request


Released under the MIT License.