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=JavaScript testing plugin

This plugin provides the JavaScript unit testing framework in a way that integrates with Rails applications.


Use the provided generator to built a skeleton for your JavaScript test. The built-in rake task can then be used to automatically run the unit tests in various installed browsers (supported are Firefox on IE/Mac/Linux, Safari on Mac, Konqueror on Linux).

Note that due to the built-in webrick, you don't have to change anything about your app, just add tests. :)


Generate a JavaScript test skeleton for your public/javascripts/foo.js file:

script/generate javascript_test foo

Run the unit tests (an "assertTruth" dummy test is provided, so you should see "SUCCESS" messages), and see the automagically controlled browsers in action:

rake test:javascripts

You have to manually close the browser window(s) afterwards.

You can also run the test manually, by symlinking the assets directory. In your Rails application root, run:

ln -s ../../vendor/plugins/javascript_test/assets/ test/javascript/assets

You then can just open the individual .html test files in your browser.

All in all, unittest.js is closely modelled on Test::Unit. You can find lots of examples in both the Prototype and SVN repositories.

You'll find more info on how to write tests on the wiki: The documentation there is not really complete, so feel free to help out.


Join the Rails Spinoffs Google Group, or ask on #prototype on


Big thanks with sugar on the top to Jon Tirsen, who authored the automated browser remote control-gadgetry.


  • Some more docs and a presentation :)
  • Make ^C aborting work

== License

Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Fuchs, released under the MIT license