
Base Rails Project based on my personal preferences at the moment.


Rails Project Template

Clone this repository for a base rails install according to my personal preferences at the moment.


After cloning the repo, do a find-all for the keyword @changeme and change any names or blocks as described beneath its location.



  1. $ brew install asdf # install asdf package manager
  2. $ asfd install # install depedencies (ruby, node, yarn, etc)
  3. $ bundle install # install ruby gems
  4. $ yarn install # install npm modules
  5. $ docker-compose start # start redis & postgres
  6. $ rails db:create # create database
  7. $ rails db:migrate # migrate schema
  8. $ rails db:seed # seed if needed

Secret Keys

For each env development, staging, production:

  1. Run $ rails secret
  2. Create an AWS secret key pair for your dev, staging, and prod environments
  3. Create an assets s3 bucket for your dev, staging, and prod environments
  4. Run $ RAILS_ENV=<current env> rails c and then > Lockbox.generate_key
  5. Run EDITOR="atom --wait" rails credentials:edit --environment <current env> # swap out editor with yours if needed
  6. Fill out the following and replace the contents of the file
secret_key_base: <rails secret from step 1>

  access_key_id: <aws key from step 2>
  secret_access_key: <aws key from step 2>
  assets_bucket: <s3 bucket name from step 3>

  master_key: <lockbox key from step 4>


Start in development mode with hot-reloading via websockets $ foreman start -f Procfile.dev


$ docker build -t thatsprettyneat-org/neature-walk .


$ docker run -p 80:3000 -env="RAILS_ENV=production" thatsprettyneat-org/neature-walk bundle exec rails server


$ docker run -env="RAILS_ENV=production" thatsprettyneat-org/neature-walk bundle exec sidekiq