
A ruby on rails application I'm building in public for Ruby and Rails developers


Let's Build for Ruby and Rails Developers

This is a Ruby on Rails application I'm building in public on my blog web-crunch.com and YouTube channel.

You can read/find out more about the project here.


This app is a place for

  • Rails and Ruby developers to find new jobs
  • Employers to find Rails and Ruby developers
  • A small niched community for Ruby/Rails developers to hang out.

I'm building this app because:

  • I want to!
  • It helps others learn
  • I could launch and earn from it
  • It helps the Ruby and Rails community
  • learning in public helps me get better and helps spread the word about my blog and YouTube channel, course, etc...

What problem is this solving?

Right now it seems like there is no centralized place to find ruby/rails specific jobs or developers. Providing a place (a water cooler of sorts) for these developers to hang out would be a fun way to keep the community alive and well. This could also be a great opportunity for employers to save a lot of time in their search for the perfect developer.

I'm thinking the app will serve two different audiences. One audience will be a developer and the other will be an employer.

Employers would visit railsdevs.com to search for developers they may want to hire or post a job so the developer community can apply if it seems like a good fit.

Developers would visit railsdevs.com to find jobs and participate in the community side of the platform. I'm imagining the community being very basic at first. We don't need to over-engineer a forum until this strikes some validation post-launch.

The application

As of right now, I've secured the domain name railsdevs.com. This will be where the result of this big experiment ends up once pushed live.

More updates to come as the application presses forward.

Git strategy

For this screencast series I'll be making a new branch per screencast. This will be helpful I think for the amount of history that's bound to occur and change over time. If you're on a specific part following along be sure to reference the appropriate branch.

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