
Recipedaily is a web application designed to help users manage their recipes effortlessly. With features like a dynamic recipe list, public recipes showcase, food management, and a convenient general shopping list, it offers a seamless cooking experience.

MIT License


📗 Table of Contents

📖 About Recipedaily

Welcome to Recipedaily, where the joy of cooking meets the magic of technology. Explore a world of flavors, create, and share your culinary masterpieces with fellow food enthusiasts.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack

Key Features

  • Flavorful Authentication: Log in and register with a touch of Devise magic.
  • Recipe Showcase: Create, edit, and showcase your recipes to the world.
  • Public Potluck: Explore a potluck of public recipes and share your culinary creations.

🚀 Live Demo

Hungry for a sneak peek? Take a bite at the Recipedaily Live Demo.

💻 Getting Started

The following steps were used in creating this project:

  1. Set up the project by creating a new directory from the generated repository.

  2. Set up the repository on GitHub and use Gitflow.

  3. Initialize the project with Rubocop linters.

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this project, you need:

  1. Ruby installed:

    • On macOS using Homebrew:

      brew install ruby
    • On Windows or Linux, follow the installation instructions from Ruby's official website.

  2. Rails Installed:

    gem install rails


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

  git clone


Navigate to the Recipedaily directory:

  cd Recipedaily


Open the project in your preferred code editor:

   cd recipedaily
   code .

Run project

To run from the local server, execute the following command:

  rails server

Run tests

To run tests, execute the following command:

  rpec spec

👥 Meet the Chefs

Let's introduce the brilliant minds behind Recipedaily.

👨‍🍳 MasterChef Dev

👤 Alier Philip Maguet

👩‍🍳 Code Cuisine Creator

🔮 What's Cooking Next?

The kitchen is buzzing with excitement! Here are some upcoming features:

  • Recipe Ratings and Reviews
  • User Profile Customization
  • Integration with External Recipe APIs

🤝 Let's Cook Together

Join the recipe revolution! Contribute to Recipedaily by:

  • Reporting Bugs
  • Adding Features
  • Enhancing Documentation

Feel free to check the issues page for ongoing discussions.

⭐️ Spice It Up

If you love our project, show your support by starring the repository. It adds a dash of motivation to our culinary journey!

🙏 Acknowledgments

We express our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the development of Recipedaily.

Special thanks to Microverse for providing an incredible collaborative learning environment and making this project possible.


  • Q: How do I add a new recipe?

    • A: Simply log in, head to your dashboard, and click on the "Create New Recipe" button.
  • Q: Can I share my recipes with others?

    • A: Absolutely! After creating a recipe, toggle the privacy switch to share it with the world.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed. We invite you to cook up your own creative ideas using our recipe.

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