
Web application where users should sign in once you are in you can choose a hotel from a list then reserve, cancel and see your room reservation.


Reservify app

Table of Contents

Api Documentation

You can review the documentation for the API here.


Web application where users should sign in once you are in you can choose a hotel from a list then reserve, cancel and see your room reservation.

Built With

  • Major languages: Ruby, HTML, Javascript, Bootstrap 5.
  • Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, React&Redux.
  • Tools & Methods: RSpec, PostgreSQL, JWT, Jest, Sass, Linters.

Getting Started

We'll need to prepare your computer to handle Ruby on Rails, which might be a hassle, so take a deep breath and cope with me :)

If you have Rails 7 installed, you can skip to the Setup section

Clone Repo

First clone this repo by running this command in your terminal:

git clone
# wait a couple seconds for it to download
# ...
# ...
# then move into the new directory
cd reservify-back-end


The following technologies must be installed before hand in your local machine:

  • Ruby (ruby --version). Should be 3.0.1 or newer.
  • Postgres ('pg', '~> 1.1')
  • Node.js (node --version)

The commands in parenthesis () can be used to verify if they are installed and their corresponding versions.

Refer to Section 3 from the official Rails Guide for more detailed instructions on how to install these technologies.

Install Rails

Once that's done, we can install Rails. For that, run these commands in your terminal:

gem install rails
# wait a few seconds for it to download
# ...
# ...
# verify that it was installed by running
rails --version


We're getting there... trust me ;)

System Dependencies

Execute this command to automatically install all the dependencies needed to view and work on this project:

bundle install

The full list of dependencies can be found within the Gemfile.

This also installs PostgreSQL, which you'll need for the next step.

Database Initialization

To initialize the database we just created, now run:

rails db:setup


If you got to this point, congratulations! You now have spent 2 hours in order to toy with my app. I appreciate your effort :P

Start Server

The following command should start a server

rails server

Which you can visit by going to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Testing RSpec

RSpec tests belong in another folder, which is /spec, all thanks to the ruby magic called naming conventions. Anyway, to run tests located in the spec folder run:

bundle exec rspec spec

How To Contribute?

Always remember to commit your contributions on a different branch. You can create a new one by running git checkout -b <branchname>.

Visit linters folder to learn how to setup linters.

Then check linters locally before pushing by running:

npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"
# ...
# ...
rubocop --color -A

Finally, once your changes have no linter errors and all tests are passing, try to merge your branch into development by running:

git checkout development
git merge <branchname>

Continue by solving any merge conflicts that may arise, test the functionality of the app once more, and you're changes are ready to be pushed with git push origin <branchname>

That's all folks!

Kanban board

Here is the Kanban board of the project!

Here is the issue that contains the images of the initial state of the Kanban board

Final number of team members: 5


👤 Eduardo

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GitHub @eduardosancho
Twitter @sanchitobless
LinkedIn Eduardo Sancho Solano

👤 Fernando Herrera

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GitHub @fherrerao
Twitter Fernando Herrera
LinkedIn Fernando Herrera

👤 Kyrillos Hany

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GitHub @Bondok6
Twitter Kyrillos Hany
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👤 David Vergaray

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GitHub @Yothu
LinkedIn David Vergaray

👤 Anibal Amoroso

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GitHub @githubhandle
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Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Original design Vespa by Murat Korkmaz on Behance

The ideas and inspiration from this project are coming from this online school of software development:


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

Extracted from project README
License: MIT
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