
A compact and composable dashboard component for Ruby

MIT License


Tiny Admin

A compact and composable dashboard component for Ruby.

Main features:

  • a Rack app that can be mounted in any Rack-enabled framework or used standalone;
  • structured with plugins also for main components that can be replaced with little effort;
  • routing is provided by Roda which is small and performant;
  • views are Phlex components, so plain Ruby objects for views, no assets are needed.

Please ⭐ if you like it.


  • Add to your Gemfile: gem 'tiny_admin', '~> 0.10'
  • Mount the app in a route (check some examples with: Hanami, Rails, Roda and standalone in extra)
    • in Rails, update config/routes.rb: mount TinyAdmin::Router => '/admin'
  • Configure the dashboard using TinyAdmin.configure and/or TinyAdmin.configure_from_file with a YAML config file (see configuration below):
TinyAdmin.configure do |settings|
  settings.root = {
    title: 'Home',
    page: Admin::PageRoot

Plugins and components


Plugins available:

  • SimpleAuth: a session authentication based on Warden (warden gem must be included in the Gemfile) using a password hash provided via config or via environment variable (ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASH). Disclaimer: this plugin is provided as example, if you need a secure authentication I suggest to create your own.

  • NoAuth: no authentication.


Plugins available:

  • Authorization: base class to provide an authorization per action, the host application should inherit from it and override the class method allowed?.


Plugin available:

  • ActiveRecordRepository: isolates the query layer to expose the resources in the admin interface.

View pages

Pages available:

  • Root: define how to present the content in the main page of the interface;
  • Content: define how to present page with inline content;
  • PageNotFound: define how to present pages not found;
  • RecordNotFound: define how to present record not found page;
  • SimpleAuthLogin: define how to present the login form for SimpleAuth plugin;
  • Index: define how to present a collection of items;
  • Show: define how to present the details of an item.

View components

Components available:

  • FiltersForm: define how to present the filters form in the resource collection pages;
  • Flash: define how to present the flash messages;
  • Head: define how to present the Head tag;
  • Navbar: define how to present the navbar (the default one uses the Bootstrap structure);
  • Pagination: define how to present the pagination of a collection.


TinyAdmin can be configured using a YAML file and/or programmatically. See extra folder for some usage examples.

The following options are supported:

root (Hash): define the root section of the admin, properties:

  • title (String): root section's title;
  • page (String): a view object to render;
  • redirect (String): alternative to page option - redirects to a specific slug;
  • widgets (Array): list of widgets (as View components) to present.

📚 Wiki Root page available


  title: MyAdmin
  redirect: posts
    - LatestAuthorsWidget
    - LatestPostsWidget

helper_class (String): class or module with helper methods, used for attributes' formatters.

📚 Wiki Helper methods page available

page_not_found (String): a view object to render when a missing page is requested.

record_not_found (String): a view object to render when a missing record is requested.

style_links (Array of hashes): list of styles files to include, properties:

  • href (String): URL for the style file;
  • rel (String): type of style file.

scripts (Array of hashes): list of scripts to include, properties:

  • src (String): source URL for the script.

extra_styles (String): inline CSS styles.

📚 Wiki Styles and scripts page available

authentication (Hash): define the authentication method, properties:

  • plugin (String): a plugin class to use (ex. TinyAdmin::Plugins::SimpleAuth);
  • password (String): a password hash used by SimpleAuth plugin (generated with Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("some password")).

📚 Wiki Authentication page available


  plugin: TinyAdmin::Plugins::SimpleAuth
  password: 'f1891cea80fc05e433c943254c6bdabc159577a02a7395dfebbfbc4f7661d4af56f2d372131a45936de40160007368a56ef216a30cb202c66d3145fd24380906'

authorization_class (String): a plugin class to use;

📚 Wiki Authentication page available

sections (Array of hashes): define the admin sections, properties:

  • slug (String): section reference identifier;
  • name (String): section's title;
  • type (String): the type of section: content, page, resource or url;
  • widgets (Array): list of widgets (as View components) to present;
  • other properties depends on the section's type.

📚 Wiki Pages page available

For content sections:

  • content (String): the HTML content to present.


slug: test-content
name: Test content
type: content
content: >
  <h1>Test content!</h1>
  <p>Some test content</p>
  - LatestAuthorsWidget
  - LatestPostsWidget

For url sections:

  • url (String): the URL to load when clicking on the section's menu item;
  • options (Hash): properties:
    • target (String): link target attributes (ex. _blank).


slug: google
name: Google.it
type: url
url: https://www.google.it
  target: '_blank'

For page sections:

  • page (String): a view object to render.


slug: stats
name: Stats
type: page
page: Admin::Stats

For resource sections:

  • model (String): the class to use to fetch the data on an item of a collection;
  • repository (String): the class to get the properties related to the model;

📚 Wiki Repository page available

  • index (Hash): collection's action options (see below);
  • show (Hash): detail's action options (see below);
  • collection_actions (Array of hashes): custom collection's actions;
  • member_actions (Array of hashes): custom details's actions;
  • widgets (Array): list of widgets (as View components) to present;
  • only (Array of strings): list of supported actions (ex. index);
  • options (Array of strings): resource options (ex. hidden).


slug: posts
name: Posts
type: resource
model: Post

Resource index options

📚 Wiki Resource index page available

The Index hash supports the following options:

  • attributes (Array): fields to expose in the resource list page;
  • filters (Array): filter the current listing;
  • links (Array): custom member actions to expose for each list's entry (defined in member_actions);
  • pagination (Integer): max pages size;
  • sort (Array): sort options to pass to the listing query.


        - id DESC
      pagination: 10
        - id
        - author: call, name
        - position: round, 1
        - field: author_id
          header: The author
          link_to: authors
          call: author, name
        - title
        - field: state
          type: select
            - published
            - draft
            - archived
        - show
        - author_posts
        - csv_export

Resource show options

📚 Wiki Resource show page available

The Show hash supports the following options:

  • attributes (Array): fields to expose in the resource details page.


        # Expose the id column
        - id
        # Expose the title column, calling `downcase` support method
        - title: downcase
        # Expose the category column, calling `upcase` support method
        - category: upcase
        # Expose the position column, calling `format` support method with argument %f
        - position: format, %f
        # Expose the position created_at, calling `strftime` support method with argument %Y%m%d %H:%M
        - created_at: strftime, %Y%m%d %H:%M
        # Expose the author_id column, with a custom header label, linked to authors section and calling author.name to get the value
        - field: author_id
          header: The author
          link_to: authors
          call: author, name
        - LatestAuthorsWidget
        - LatestPostsWidget


# config/initializers/tiny_admin.rb

config = Rails.root.join('config/tiny_admin.yml').to_s

# Change some settings programmatically
TinyAdmin.configure do |settings|
  settings.authentication[:password] = Digest::SHA512.hexdigest('changeme')
# config/tiny_admin.yml
  plugin: TinyAdmin::Plugins::SimpleAuth
  # password: 'f1891cea80fc05e433c943254c6bdabc159577a02a7395dfebbfbc4f7661d4af56f2d372131a45936de40160007368a56ef216a30cb202c66d3145fd24380906'
  title: Test Admin
    - LatestAuthorsWidget
    - LatestPostsWidget
  # page: RootPage
helper_class: AdminHelper
page_not_found: PageNotFound
record_not_found: RecordNotFound
  - slug: google
    name: Google.it
    type: url
    url: https://www.google.it
      target: _blank
  - slug: sample
    name: Sample page
    type: page
    page: SamplePage
  - slug: authors
    name: Authors
    type: resource
    model: Author
      - sample_col: SampleCollectionAction
      - sample_mem: SampleMemberAction
  - slug: posts
    name: Posts
    type: resource
    model: Post
      pagination: 5
        - id
        - title
        - field: author_id
          link_to: authors
        - category: upcase
        - state: downcase
        - published
        - position: round, 1
        - dt: to_date
        - field: created_at
          converter: AdminUtils
          method: datetime_formatter
        - updated_at: strftime, %Y%m%d %H:%M
        - title
        - author_id
        - field: category
          type: select
            - news
            - sport
            - tech
        - published
        - dt
        - created_at
        - id
        - title
        - description
        - field: author_id
          link_to: authors
        - category
        - published
        - position: format, %f
        - dt
        - created_at
  - href: /bootstrap.min.css
    rel: stylesheet
  - src: /bootstrap.bundle.min.js
extra_styles: >
  .navbar {
    background-color: var(--bs-cyan);
  .main-content {
    background-color: var(--bs-gray-100);
  .main-content a {
    text-decoration: none;

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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.